I've wound up with a big wadload of old Japanese transistors, and have been looking up as much data on these parts as I can find. The transistor pages at minor-audio.com are very helpful (being essentially transcriptions of the "EIAJ New Transistor Manual" from long ago, with some amendments and corrections) but the package designations meant nothing to me.
No matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find a document that described these designations.
Once I realised that EIAJ is now JEITA the mystery was solved.
The package outlines are provided in JEITA standard ED-7500A, and it seems it can be viewed on the JEITA website through one of those annoying Flash-based virtual books with page-flip animations, etc.
Or can be straightforwardly downloaded as normal PDFs from here.
No matter how hard I searched, I couldn't find a document that described these designations.
Once I realised that EIAJ is now JEITA the mystery was solved.
The package outlines are provided in JEITA standard ED-7500A, and it seems it can be viewed on the JEITA website through one of those annoying Flash-based virtual books with page-flip animations, etc.
Or can be straightforwardly downloaded as normal PDFs from here.