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Oddball Fader

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  • Oddball Fader

    I'm looking for what, apparently, is an odd fader. Can't find one in stock anywhere. I'm just wondering if anyone has a tip on where I might find one of these. It's a channel fader for a Dynacord MCX24.4.2. The original fader (pic below), is right angle, but I can run jumpers if necessary. The right angle isn't totally necessary. It's 5K audio taper mono. Mounting holes are 80mm apart. Travel is 60-65mm (I've found it listed both ways). I called Dynacord. No luck. They don't support the board or have parts for it any longer. I found this one, but it's linear, not right angle, and out of stock indefinitely. (I would have settled for it, but no stock).
    The end.

    Click image for larger version

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ID:	871087
    "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22

  • #2
    5k audio 60mm. You know they were custom made, so no one will have them generically.

    I looked in my inventory, I have no 5k 60mm at all, but several 10k. And I seem to recall having some sideways ones, but find none noted in inventory.

    it is a channel fader? Can we find a similar one in the master section and swap it? That way the channels would all be the same, and any odd thing we come up with would be in the master, where we don't need it to agree with anything. Or even the last channel; on the right can be the odd duck, if this pot is on a well used channel like the left end.

    WHich part is bad? The slider or the resistor element? I am sure we could find another similar pot to swipe the slider from if that is the issue.

    And a higher value pot with some resistors can approximate the 5k.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      All correct, Enzo. I will settle for wrong taper, close value (10K), whatever, etc. I just need something close that fits and I'm not having much luck. Basically, stipulations are 1) Value is something close, 2) Mounting holes match up, 3) Preferably fader knob fits- I'm not opposed to cutting modifying the handle. If you have 10k with 80mm mounting holes and a "similar" handle, I could probably make it work.
      The resistor element is open end to end. I tried "pinching" the rivets- no luck. So, I do have a perfectly good slider (the contact/handle part) if I need it. FWIW, the actual travel measurement is closer to +65mm (measured with caliper) even though some sites where it is out of stock list it as a 60mm fader. The key will be the mounting holes, which again measures 80mm center to center. It is a channel fader, so I can move it to the end or elsewhere. That's not a problem. This mixer is built "old school" wherein there are channel cards instead of one or two giant circuit boards. Things are pretty easy to get to.
      "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


      • #4
        "60mm" is nominal. Small variations occur. I think most 60mm pots have similar mounting dimensions. At least among the big square ones.

        I'll see if I can get at them.

        Looking in Mouser, it seems you have something like an Alpha RA6040F

        maybe use this?
        Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


        • #5
          I looked at that one, Enzo. If I read the datasheet correctly, it has a center detent, which I don't really want. Maybe there's a way to take it apart and "remove" the detent? I see a slot in the side of the fader. Maybe there's just a little spring/ball bearing you could take out? Any experience with this?

          Edit: Ah, hell,.... it was only 11 bucks. I just ordered one. We'll see how it works. Thanks for finding that, Enzo!
          Last edited by The Dude; 11-22-2016, 10:52 PM.
          "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


          • #6
            Detents are usually a small spring loaded steel ball which fits on a notch detent, you can push aside and remove the ball with a sewing needle, the main point is that I suspect that is a linear pot, while you need a log/audio one.

            Keep searching, there are 80mm between holes audio pots, even if not often with sideways pins.

            Hey, I can go downtown here in Buenos Aires and buy a generic chinese one easily over the counter, canīt believe you canīt find them in USA.

            10K audio faders are as generic as can be and will work exactly the same.

            In fact, Iīd get one (straight pins) from Enzo any day of the week.
            Juan Manuel Fahey


            • #7
              Thanks, Juan. That's what I figured on the detent mechanics. The linear fader, albeit different works fine. I'm going to put it in the last channel, which is used as an effects return only. I clipped a smaller linear fader in to test, and it won't be a problem- not difficult at all to adjust. I couldn't find an audio taper fader the right size IN STOCK after several searches. And as you say, I'm not concerned about the right angle part.
              "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


              • #8
                The detent ball is usually in a hole on the side of the slide assembly. Easily removed or ignored.

                Juan makes a good point. If this is a simple voltage divider, then 5k 10k 25k doesn;t matter much.
                Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                • #9
                  Some sliders here.
                  Potentiometers | All Electronics Corp.

