Here's a pic (rather fuzzy due to light levels) of a Brunetti preamp pedal a customer dropped by for repair. I was pretty dismayed to see it has a 2-conductor socket for Class II use, yet has exposed mains terminals, a metal case and no earth protection. Only the transformer has a double-insulated symbol, but in my opinion this equipment falls into a Class 0 protection classification in the UK and as such not permitted for sale or use. I get plenty of equipment with loose parts, broken wires or that have drinks spilled over them and I regard this piece of gear to be unsafe. One of the case screws is very close to an exposed terminal and could easily be bridged. Interestingly, the customer contacted Marco Brunetti and he's entirely dismissive of my assertion.
There's plenty of space for an IEC socket and provision of an earth, and to elevate the signal ground as per some Marshall amps or the Fender reissue reverb to eliminate the possibility of a ground loop. Makes you wonder how a modern piece of gear can get built in this way. It also has a CE sticker.
There's plenty of space for an IEC socket and provision of an earth, and to elevate the signal ground as per some Marshall amps or the Fender reissue reverb to eliminate the possibility of a ground loop. Makes you wonder how a modern piece of gear can get built in this way. It also has a CE sticker.