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  • newbie here

    Any idea of good and high quality speakers with a retrol style?

    (spam link removed)
    Last edited by tboy; 10-06-2017, 07:52 PM. Reason: Removed spam link

  • #2
    Seeing as you couldn't even come up with a good chick name, I'm just gonna report you straight off. Spammer.
    Originally posted by Enzo
    I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


    • #3
      if you cant tell me proper answer just dont reply.


      • #4
        Don't walk into my house and tell me the rules.


        • #5
          Originally posted by workinghard17 View Post
          Any idea of good and high quality speakers with a retrol style?
          I'll take a chance - have a look, & listen if you can, to Celestion Blue Alnico and Celestion Gold Alnico. Neither is cheap, and the Blue can't take a lot of power, but they're great sounding speakers presumably made the same way they were 50+ years ago. Google away, and you might find sound samples on Celestion's website or vendors websites. Good luck!

          The guys are in a bad mood today - we've had a couple bots show up recently. I'll give you 'benefit of the doubt'. Bots generally don't start up albums & posting photos.
          This isn't the future I signed up for.


          • #6
            Originally posted by Leo_Gnardo View Post
            Bots generally don't start up albums & posting photos.
            Unless it's a pic of a nice looking young woman?
            I don't see any reason in the world why a regular newb would insert in their first post a link to digital water flow meters?
            Spammers can be bots but also people who just post spam links, often just vaguely related to the forum focus.
            Originally posted by Enzo
            I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


            • #7
              What happened to the link for the digital water flow meters?

              I need one.


              • #8
                You would need to understand 'magentics', and be ready for someone to turn into ... you!
                "Our experienced engineers will revert to you ASAP!"
                Originally posted by Enzo
                I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


                • #9
                  i was preferring with this link. not that one.
                  sorry for that. by the way im not a spammer. either bot. just approve this link so you can see what i talking about. just help me look for cheap one.



                  • #10
                    Workinghard17, what is your native language? Perhaps we can find an interpreter.

                    I take it you are seeking a new speaker and/or radio that looks old, for a cheap price. Is that correct?
                    Do you specifically want a Bluetooth speaker and AM/FM radio combo, like the one in the link you provided?
                    I personally find that stuff silly, but to each his/her own.

                    I think you will find more people in this forum who can tell you how to restore a real vintage radio than who can tell you where to buy a fake vintage radio. But who knows? Some one here might be into that stuff.

                    I see Crosley still makes phony cathedral radios, with a built-in CD player. Only $95.73 at Amazon, with free shipping. Such a deal. In the 70s, you could buy them at Radio Shack, with built-in cassette player. How times change. Not.

                    Click image for larger version

Name:	81J4h4MaCVL._SL1500_.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	324.6 KB
ID:	847378
                    I guess they're kinda cute, in a tacky sort of way. But I prefer to listen to Eddie Cantor on my genuine Philco.

                    Last edited by rjb; 10-07-2017, 06:02 AM.
                    DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!


                    • #11
                      To be honest i was looking for with the same figure of the link i gave you but not a modern system the real retro with retro sound. if you play old recordings it gave you chills. so creepy. but its a gift to my mother on her 62 birthday. she loves listening to old music using that kind of speaker. but sadly her speaker broke. cant play anymore. i love her seeing on her racking chair and taking a nap while listening on her speaker. im still looking in ebay/amazon etc even other country who had a online stores. but cant find 1. i forgot what is the brand but i still remember the looks of it. it look like the same image on the link.


                      • #12
                        also it has a turning table on top. any ideas


                        • #13
                          and need little help with the link keep on popping out on my post even on my social media. tnx


                          • #14
                            Ok, Iīll take it at face value .
                            1) so you need a retro sounding system for your Mother?
                            2) the MAIN question here is what kind of Musical program/material will she be listening to?
                            a) will she play old vinyl records?
                            Not popular today and equipment which does is often geared for nostalgic but rich Audio enthusiasts, such equipment is *expensive*
                            In that case forget new stuff, head straight to Salvation Army/Goodwill shops and get a nice old but perfectly working 60`s console, with radio and gramophone player.
                            b) will she listen to AM/FM radio?
                            Maybe also to Golden Oldies downloaded from "somewhere" in MP3 or some other Digital format?
                            Then look no further than the one you showed.
                            You will NOT get that for any cheaper price; in fact itīs cheap even at U$75 or so.
                            FWIW the speaker LeoGnardo suggested ... based on your description ... starts at U$275 and up
                            Celestion Blue 15W, 12" Vintage Alnico Guitar Speaker | Musician's Friend
                            And itīs literally "a speaker" , no electronics whatsoever, not even a cabinet, just the speaker in a cardboard box.

                            Just as a side note, and on the spam/bot side of the problem: we treat newbies well, very well, while we get pissed off at spambots and like.
                            Please agree that posting a spam link on your first ever post does not exactly look good.
                            And adding a Korean K-Pop fan girl as your first and only image does not help much either.

                            EDIT: if your Mom still wants to listen to "old Music" on Vinyl records, hey, I am *older* than your Mom by a couple years and even when I was a kid music around was early Beatles and Stones, Monkees and such, we are not talking scratching 40īs 78rpm Jazz or Country records.
                            Whatīs my point?
                            We are probably talking mid 60`s and later Music here, which has been digitized and is widely available, either in CD or plain MP3, so even if she has the original vinyl records (or some cassette tape) , exact same Music is available in modern media and usually cheaper to boot.

                            When I listen to Beatles and Stones or similar old stuff, I straight play straight MP3s, period.
                            Lately Iīve been listening to stuff I wouldnīt even be able to buy on vinyl, such as Rolling Stones "Black Box" series (never released before experimental records and Studio leftovers), Janis Joplin pirate live show recordings or even my current shop background Music: Manhattan Transfer full discography (some 39 LPīs or so).
                            The point being that your Mom can listen practically to any and all of her favorite Music on Digital media players,with higher quality and not messing with old worn records.
                            Besides the fact that any cheap turntable included in a $75 "Music Center" will be awfully horrible , and that using the polite form
                            Last edited by J M Fahey; 10-07-2017, 12:04 PM.
                            Juan Manuel Fahey


                            • #15
                              My mom is 68 and still listens to her album collection on an old Techniques turn table (a nice one with a heavy plate, adjustable counter balance stylus arm and a strobe timing adjuster). Of course she knows, and is hip to modern digital options. Some people are just nostalgic about the way it used to be and fight moving forward.

                              At 62 I would think a retro table radio (or an actual vintage table radio) is WAAAY too retro. An old Marantz tube AM/FM receiver/amplifier, a nice turntable and a pair of Pioneer stereo monitors with 12" woofers might be her "nostalgia". And that wouldn't be cheap at all!

                              But then, I recognize the language barrier. It's possible that my American reference to her era doesn't apply here.

                              As far as acquiring an actual vintage piece, I have an old Telefunken table radio from the late fifties. It will be hard as hell to service. Forget about restoration. Fidelity wise it's about ten times advanced from the sort of thing you seem to be after. And I literally can't give it away because the shipping to anywhere is too expensive.

                              Since you're in Ca. I'll guess you're near enough to one or more major cities.?. I'll second the suggestion of thrift stores. You probably won't find exactly what you want, but you may find something old and charming anyway.
                              "Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo

                              "Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas

                              "If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
                              You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz

