I built a zener tester a while ago. It uses a LM317 as a constant current source. It is fixed at 5mA by using a 220ohm resistor. 1,25V/220= 0,005A
I recently realised that it wasn't so accurate. measuring a 3v3 0,5W zener is ok, but measuring a 1W zener of the same 3v3 value, results in huge error.
This is because of the dynamic internal resistance of zener diodes. According to the data sheet different values of zener have different test currents where each one would measure accurately its voltage as specified. The 3V3 1W zener I mentioned previously needs 76mA to test spot on 3v3. The 0,5W only needs 5mA to measure precisely 3v3.
Now I can't possibly make my CCS switch between all these currents with a toggle switch for instance, so what would be a better way to modify my current tester??
I recently realised that it wasn't so accurate. measuring a 3v3 0,5W zener is ok, but measuring a 1W zener of the same 3v3 value, results in huge error.
This is because of the dynamic internal resistance of zener diodes. According to the data sheet different values of zener have different test currents where each one would measure accurately its voltage as specified. The 3V3 1W zener I mentioned previously needs 76mA to test spot on 3v3. The 0,5W only needs 5mA to measure precisely 3v3.
Now I can't possibly make my CCS switch between all these currents with a toggle switch for instance, so what would be a better way to modify my current tester??