I need a 3 position toggle switch with 6 poles like a DPDT with both sides seperate also like a DPDT. The only ones i know of are on/off/on so that in the middle position the commons are NOT making contact with either of the other poles. I don't think it's physically possible, but what i need is one where in the middle position the commons are making contact with both poles. Then when in one position it makes contact with one pole and in the opposite position it contacts the other one. So unlike the typical DPDT on/off/on 3 position toggle it would be on/on/on with the middle on position contacting both poles so all 3 poles are shorted. And again, just like any DPDT the 2 sides are completely seperate, no contact there.If this exists, what would it be called?
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Does this switch exist ?
I would call it DPDT on-on-on. I know they make them for guitars at least.
Peavey uses a full size DPDT toggle on the panel of some tube head or other. I believe it to be the thing you describe.Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
If you could find one, it would be called a DPDT Center ON.
Of course it is physically possible to make one - think of two 3-way pickup selector switches ganged side-by-side.
But I don't know where you can buy one.
DPDT ON-ON-ON are fairly common, but in the center position COM1 contacts "one side" while COM2 contacts "the other side". Not "both sides at once".
What you could do is get a 4PDT ON-ON-ON switch and jumper COM1 to COM3 and COM2 to COM4.
(This will all make sense after you Google some diagrams).
EDIT: I was writing this while Enzo posted. Maybe Peavey does use a switch that does what you want.
But I've never found one at the Usual Suspects (Mouser, Digikey, etc).
EDIT2: I should have said "jumper COM1 to COM2 and COM3 to COM4.
Coffee deprevation.Last edited by rjb; 02-02-2018, 04:52 AM.DON'T FEED THE TROLLS!
Mentioning "6 poles" threw me off. I thought you were looking for a 6P3T switch. As Enzo mentions, a DP3T on-on-on toggle switch is used in some 2-HB-equiped guitars. What voltage rating do you need?
Edit: yes, I'm wrong again. I'm thinking of SP3T switches.If it still won't get loud enough, it's probably broken. - Steve Conner
If the thing works, stop fixing it. - Enzo
We need more chaos in music, in art... I'm here to make it. - Justin Thomas
MANY things in human experience can be easily differentiated, yet *impossible* to express as a measurement. - Juan Fahey
Originally posted by rjb View PostWhat you could do is get a 4PDT ON-ON-ON switch and jumper COM1 to COM3 and COM2 to COM4.
(This will all make sense after you Google some diagrams).
EDIT: I was writing this while Enzo posted. Maybe Peavey does use a switch that does what you want.
But I've never found one at the Usual Suspects (Mouser, Digikey, etc).
Originally posted by eschertron View PostWhat voltage rating do you need?Last edited by daz; 02-01-2018, 07:48 PM.
Peavey Switch 2368, p/n 71622368
used in Triple XXX60. and others. I would CALL parts department and verify its internal switching pattern.Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
Use a rotary 6P3T. Done! It's not a toggle, but it'll work."Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo
"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
"If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz
Originally posted by Chuck H View PostUse a rotary 6P3T. Done! It's not a toggle, but it'll work.
Like this. https://www.taydaelectronics.com/ele...3599-3590.html
You'd still have to bridge pairs of COM terminals.
But knobs are always sexier than toggles.
Mouser has a number of on-on-on but in the mini toggle size. Don;t know if it has current rating for speakers.
Oh they also had industrial toggles, full size, but those are like Honeywell and are $50-80 each.Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
Originally posted by Enzo View PostI am half asleep, use Ohm's LAw.
Daz, my humble apology, I typo'd
it is 71322368, NOT 716xxxxx
Ok, called peavey and this time they found it but the part # has been changed to start with 3 instead of 7, so it's 31322368 it's a DPTT. But i forgot to ask if it's on/on/on and somehow i think she may not have had that info anyways. But i'll call back later or tomorrow and hopefully get a different parts person. I feel like she was a bit irritated with me calling a second time after giving her the wrong # the first. But i need to verify it is indeed on/on/on.
EDIT: found it but theres a review on the page selling it and the reviewer says it;ls on/of/on. Look at the review here... Peavey 31322368 Channel Switch for Tripple XXX | Full Compass
Granted, maybe he's wrong but most people looking for a switch and that know switch specs enough to know what they mean i would think know if it's on or off in the middle. But of course the page doesn't say, nor do several other pages i found selling it.Last edited by daz; 02-02-2018, 02:57 PM.