Hi, A friend of my mine asked if I would take a look at his 1967 Leslie 147 cabinet. His complaint is general intermittent crackling noises. I have some considerable guitar tube amp maintenance & repair experience, so I agreed to take a look and poke around. I have never worked on a Leslie before, and I am learning as I go. I'll have some questions and I am hoping there is some experience here to coach me along at times. Here are a few pics.
More info and questions to come. This post is more of a project introduction to learn if there are folks here that are able to help with my inquiries. If you're reading this and interested please check in. I will post some more questions and my findings. Much appreciated. Thanks, Keith
Some of my questions may be to satisfy my craving for understanding of the circuit. I learned that a power amp is required in front of the Leslie. In this example the owner has been using an old Kustom solid state amp. The amp has been modified with the large round 6 pin socket to send signal and AC line power to the leslie chassis. Here is a pic of the Kustom amp for reference and future questions. The modified socket in on the rear, top right corner in the pic.
More info and questions to come. This post is more of a project introduction to learn if there are folks here that are able to help with my inquiries. If you're reading this and interested please check in. I will post some more questions and my findings. Much appreciated. Thanks, Keith
Some of my questions may be to satisfy my craving for understanding of the circuit. I learned that a power amp is required in front of the Leslie. In this example the owner has been using an old Kustom solid state amp. The amp has been modified with the large round 6 pin socket to send signal and AC line power to the leslie chassis. Here is a pic of the Kustom amp for reference and future questions. The modified socket in on the rear, top right corner in the pic.