This might be a long shot but what the hell.......I have one of these here and it will run on batteries fine....When I plug the adapter in, the backlight will light up but there is no data on the display.....Checked the output of the adapter and it was fine.......took the unit apart and couldn't see anything gone....there are two diodes close to the power input jack...they checked fine....On the rear of the unit it specifies that the power input is pin negative....however on the adapter that came with the unit, it says the output is 9VAC@830mA......I can't get the unit to work with any ac adapter.....but it will work with other DC adapters.......Had a look on line for a replacement adapter and it showed DC output....not AC output.....also checked the user manual and in the specs it calls for an AC output......but the sticker on the rear of the machine calls for a 9VDC do I have a problem still or do I have the wrong adapter.......I emailed Alesis but don't expect a replay for a few days...if I get one at all......any comments????anyone