I'm trying to put together a selection of capacitors that I should have on hand to work on Fender type tube guitar amps. This is what I have so far;
Power Supply: 22uF 500v Electrolytic
Cathode bypass: 25uF 50v Electrolytic
Tone Stack and tone Shaping:
10pF, 25pF, 120pF, 250pF (Ceramic or Silver Mica?)
3nF, 47nF, 100nF (Ceramic or Polyester?)
Coupling Caps: .1uF (Polyester or Polypropolene?)
Any suggestions of what should I add to my order.
Power Supply: 22uF 500v Electrolytic
Cathode bypass: 25uF 50v Electrolytic
Tone Stack and tone Shaping:
10pF, 25pF, 120pF, 250pF (Ceramic or Silver Mica?)
3nF, 47nF, 100nF (Ceramic or Polyester?)
Coupling Caps: .1uF (Polyester or Polypropolene?)
Any suggestions of what should I add to my order.