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DIY Fuzz pedal switching round the tone knob on guitars

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  • DIY Fuzz pedal switching round the tone knob on guitars

    Hello. I'm new to the forum forgive me if this is in the wrong place or an easy fix!

    I bought a DIY Fuzz pedal and soldered it together. When I plug it in, it switches the way my tone knob on the guitar works from min to max and max to min.

    I have tried it on different guitars and with other pedals plugged in and it still happens.

    The volume and fuzz knobs work as expected and so does the bypass switch. I have tried multiple times to check the layout and had some friends check it out too. All seems well.

    Any help would be appreciated. Here are some pictures.

  • #2
    1) Is there anything else between your guitar and this pedal? And if so, does this odd phenomenon still happen with another pedal in between?

    2) Does your guitar have the tone pot on the input of the volume or on the output?


    • #3
      It happens with or without other pedals and my guitars are all as they were made from factory.


      • #4
        Some guitars do have the tone control connected to the output of the volume pot, from the factory, so that the volume and tone interact. Can I ask what the guitar is?

        Finally, though it may have less applicability to a silicon Fuzz Face clone, some posted germanium circuits use a trimmer just in front of that 2.2uf input cap, to provide a series resistance on the input. Just for the heck of it, if you have a spare 10k resistor, put it in series between the input jack and that cap and see if the problem remains.


        • #5
          Just off the top of my head, I have tried it with my Fender Strat (Mexican), Epiphone Dot, Epiphone Les Paul Pro, Harley Benton CST24, Squire Affinity Tele and An Ibanez with EMG Pickups. It does it with them all!

          I don't have a spare 10k resistor.

          One last thing - I have de-soldered and re-soldered it and it still does it.
          Last edited by Androm; 04-29-2020, 07:45 PM.


          • #6
            Can you upload a better picture showing the wiring of the potentiometers ?


            • #7
              With a FF turning down the guitar's tone control makes the fuzz edgier/crisper. Turning the tone up makes the sound more woolly - the opposite of what you may expect. I've had three original Fuzz Faces that did this, as well as a recent EJ version. Is that what you're experiencing?

