There's this young fellow who asked me yesterday about a possible "tube li'l box" insert in his SS amp's send/return,"just for the sake of a little more tube colouring".
.This device should look like a separate box,not incorporated in the amp itself.
This guy plays electric bass through an Ampeg B1-RE amp w/ B410HLF box.
I suggested a simple gain stage (eventually followed by a cathode follower/buffer) with as little as possible amplification (maybe a 12AU7?...or any other triode w/ small Mu).
The guy wants nothing else but "tube coloration",without any of the possible benefits of such an "insert" (a little more compression,sag,etc) in the signal chain.
What would you do to achieve that?
TIA for any ideas (though,this thread might sound silly enough).

This guy plays electric bass through an Ampeg B1-RE amp w/ B410HLF box.
I suggested a simple gain stage (eventually followed by a cathode follower/buffer) with as little as possible amplification (maybe a 12AU7?...or any other triode w/ small Mu).
The guy wants nothing else but "tube coloration",without any of the possible benefits of such an "insert" (a little more compression,sag,etc) in the signal chain.
What would you do to achieve that?
TIA for any ideas (though,this thread might sound silly enough).