Ohmeter. Resistance through a long straight wire, or the same wire in a coil.
Okay but what about IMPEDANCE? RMS of a range of frequencies...
I want to wind a dummy load coil, 16 ohms to parallel across a speaker out to drop a 16 ohm speaker to 8 ohm at a switch, in order to drop a 5K primary to 2.5K to match a 3K EL34 tube. I could use a 16 ohm resistor but it'd be a non-reactive load.
Okay but what about IMPEDANCE? RMS of a range of frequencies...
I want to wind a dummy load coil, 16 ohms to parallel across a speaker out to drop a 16 ohm speaker to 8 ohm at a switch, in order to drop a 5K primary to 2.5K to match a 3K EL34 tube. I could use a 16 ohm resistor but it'd be a non-reactive load.