Hi all
I have a Tannoy System 800 LH active monitor that sounds quite badly distorted and is unusable. It is about 12 years old and I intend to recap it anyway.
So it is really distorted and unusable, but when I turn it off, as the power drops away it cleans up for a second or two before fading to nothing.
Any idea what it could be? I am assuming it is the PSU caps and I am going to recap the PSU anyway, but could it be anything else?
I have not opened it up yet, just waiting for parts to come in. I recently serviced its stereo mate and I did not find any dry joints or bulging caps on that one, so I am ASSuming that these caps are OK as well, but I will change them anyway. There was no conductive glue on the PCB to cause any problems.
Thanks in advance