Not a critic, everybody has his own preferences, just thinking aloud:
* why is C5 connected to positive rail instead of ground?
I fear it will introduce ripple into the amp.
In any case not sure what is it purpose.
* C1 is too large, it will introduce a loooonnnngggg turn on thump until it charge and voltages stabilize.
It *might* be related to your turn-on problem.
* U12/U5 are passing 36mA idle, which is the peak current available to drive U5/U14, more than enough for that task.
So Q5/Q9 are quite unnecesary.
* simplify VI limiter to a plain I limiter which is enough anyway because you have 3 power transitor in parallel.
If you remove R20/11/12/19 the simple I limiter will still allow 2.4A peak per transistor, so 7.2A total.
More than enough for 8 ohm loads and just enough for a 4 ohm one, not bad.
* why is C5 connected to positive rail instead of ground?
I fear it will introduce ripple into the amp.
In any case not sure what is it purpose.
* C1 is too large, it will introduce a loooonnnngggg turn on thump until it charge and voltages stabilize.
It *might* be related to your turn-on problem.
* U12/U5 are passing 36mA idle, which is the peak current available to drive U5/U14, more than enough for that task.
So Q5/Q9 are quite unnecesary.
* simplify VI limiter to a plain I limiter which is enough anyway because you have 3 power transitor in parallel.
If you remove R20/11/12/19 the simple I limiter will still allow 2.4A peak per transistor, so 7.2A total.
More than enough for 8 ohm loads and just enough for a 4 ohm one, not bad.