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service kits parts for shop

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  • service kits parts for shop

    I found these some time ago and had ordered some. came in handy today on a yamaha subwoofer . they are cheap enough and you get a variety for not much money. click the search results kits for diodes and zeners

    If anyone else has any other kits theyve run across please post.
    soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!

  • #2
    Just yesterday I noticed there was a 'kits' section at digikey.
    Originally posted by Enzo
    I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


    • #3
      I am not much of a kit guy. MAny years ago I bought a nice resistor kit. I forget who name brand, A=B maybe? It came in a cool little plastic drawer unit. The tray shelves had long narrow dividers so many values per drawer. It was useful except 50 years later I still have some of them. Like how many 1800 ohm or 330k or 22 ohm do I need?

      The Marlin Jones kits looked fun, like the thermal fuses. For $4 why not, but I pretty much would expect to use 2 or 3 values and the rest would sit. But at least I wouldn't have to hunt for them at Mouser. I built my collection one at a time. I found resistors cost about a dollar for 100, so when I needed 100k, 1.5k, 68k, and whatever, I just bought a bag of 100 of each.
      Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


      • #4
        Its a good while since I bought service kits, but at one time my local (usually expensive) electronics shop used to do clearance offers on them and they were cheaper to buy just for a few useful parts than paying postage and minimum order charges from my regular suppliers. I have plenty of parts left over from them - all the commonly used values got quickly used up and the rest are rarely needed. The best kit I got was 1000 1/4w metal film resistors in really useful values - every one got used and the quantities were in proportion to their usefulness - so fewer lesser-used values. Someone really gave some thought to that kit.


        • #5
          Originally posted by Enzo View Post
          I am not much of a kit guy. MAny years ago I bought a nice resistor kit. I forget who name brand, A=B maybe? It came in a cool little plastic drawer unit. The tray shelves had long narrow dividers so many values per drawer. It was useful except 50 years later I still have some of them. Like how many 1800 ohm or 330k or 22 ohm do I need?

          The Marlin Jones kits looked fun, like the thermal fuses. For $4 why not, but I pretty much would expect to use 2 or 3 values and the rest would sit. But at least I wouldn't have to hunt for them at Mouser. I built my collection one at a time. I found resistors cost about a dollar for 100, so when I needed 100k, 1.5k, 68k, and whatever, I just bought a bag of 100 of each.
          I agree, although kits might be a good thing if you're starting from scratch.
          "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22

