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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
No I can't measure watts from the output. I probably have the tools here but I don't know how. I have "shop" tubes though. Let me try replacing the V1 just to see how that effects the current. Update: yes one of the tubes was bad. I replaced it with a random "Groove tube". That brought them in better alignment with .045/048 ma. I'll press the customer to get a new match pair. BUT I swear that the tremolo/vibrato are working even better now. Could that bad 6l6 tube effect the tremole??
...Update: yes one of the tubes was bad. I replaced it with a random "Groove tube". That brought them in better alignment with .045/048 ma. I'll press the customer to get a new match pair....
Maybe not a "bad" tube but definitely not a good fit for the GV-22 in it's current setup. The current idle tube dissipation is right at the limit that I would allow. If you buy a new set then perhaps you could get them from a source that grades them such that they will run cooler in your amp. The other choice is to modify the bias circuit so the tubes run cooler. I think that anything in the range of 32mA to 40mA at 480 plate voltage would be good.
... BUT I swear that the tremolo/vibrato are working even better now. Could that bad 6l6 tube effect the tremolo??
I don't have a direct explanation. However, all the circuits in an amp function together as a system and when any one section if out of kilter, other functions can suffer.
Just to finish the tale, I got everything working including the trmolo/vibrato.. @g1 I As i said earlier, I installed the new tremolo, all the caps for the Tremolo circuit (like you circled) and cleaned both trem controls and re-soldered the little board that holds the controls. That made the Tremolo come alive but it did have a clunky sound. I reinstalled the old tremolo and it sounded great. AND the problem with the volume was one bad tube. I had an old set of Groove Tubes to test with and it's loud now. Thank you everyone.