One thought I had on the subject for a suitable Differential Amplifier (for use with P6055 Differential Probes) for use with a standard fixed input channel scope, was using a vintage well-designed Tektronix Plug-in & matching power supply from their older generation instruments. In this case, the Power Supply is a Type 132 Single-slot unit having differential outputs, and either a Tektronix Type W Differential Comparator Plug-in or a Type 1A7A High Gain Differential Plug-in.

The Type W plugin installed in the Type 132 Power Supply has a bandwidth of around 14MHz, while the Type 1A7A is limited to 1MHz. The Input sensitivity range on the Type W is 1mV thru 50V/Div, while the sensitivity range on the Type 1A7A is 10uV thru 10V/Div, with an adjustable HP/LP Filter (6dB/Oct)
The Type W is vacuum tube based, while the 1A7A is discrete solid state, with this circuit being the foundation of numerous later generation plugins for the 5000 series & 7000 series scopes. I've kept my Type 132 Power Supply, along with a Type 127 2-slot Power Supply, and my Type O Operational Amp plugin, Type W Differential Comparator Plugin, Type T Time Base Plugin, Type 1A7A Hi Gain Differential Plugin and a Type E Differential Plugin.
I also came across a blank Plug-in in this form factor for building whatever I want, running off a well-designed power supply & output amplifier circuit of the Type 132 Power Supply. Will I ever get around to that, such as a tube bass preamp or microphone preamp? Guess that depends if I survive the Pandemic at this point.
NOTE: I was about to post a followup thread with attachments of the Operators/Service manuals for both plugin's and Power Supply, but then found their file size on the two high quality PDF files were enormous. If anyone is interested in any of those, they can PM me, with their email address so I could send them that way.
The Type W plugin installed in the Type 132 Power Supply has a bandwidth of around 14MHz, while the Type 1A7A is limited to 1MHz. The Input sensitivity range on the Type W is 1mV thru 50V/Div, while the sensitivity range on the Type 1A7A is 10uV thru 10V/Div, with an adjustable HP/LP Filter (6dB/Oct)
The Type W is vacuum tube based, while the 1A7A is discrete solid state, with this circuit being the foundation of numerous later generation plugins for the 5000 series & 7000 series scopes. I've kept my Type 132 Power Supply, along with a Type 127 2-slot Power Supply, and my Type O Operational Amp plugin, Type W Differential Comparator Plugin, Type T Time Base Plugin, Type 1A7A Hi Gain Differential Plugin and a Type E Differential Plugin.
I also came across a blank Plug-in in this form factor for building whatever I want, running off a well-designed power supply & output amplifier circuit of the Type 132 Power Supply. Will I ever get around to that, such as a tube bass preamp or microphone preamp? Guess that depends if I survive the Pandemic at this point.
NOTE: I was about to post a followup thread with attachments of the Operators/Service manuals for both plugin's and Power Supply, but then found their file size on the two high quality PDF files were enormous. If anyone is interested in any of those, they can PM me, with their email address so I could send them that way.