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PEAVEY -MINI COLOSSAL 5 watt ? Scheme + PCB picture ?

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  • PEAVEY -MINI COLOSSAL 5 watt ? Scheme + PCB picture ?

    Hi all,
    Anyone have
    1. Schematics
    2. Board layouts
    3. Picture of PCB Circuit board
    .... for the above?

    Thanks in advance
    ( I know PEAVEY won't have all the above).
    Last edited by CSPRINGER; 09-27-2009, 05:57 AM.

  • #2
    The only reason Peavey won;t have them - and send them to you - would be if they don;t have them in print. There is no more customer friendly company on the business than Peavey. COntact customer service at the factory for schematics for any of there products. Schematics usually include parts list and payout pictures.

    In the case of this amp, as far as I know all that is published is the schematic. They don;t provide a layout even to us service centers on this one. AFter all there are only two tubes in it. It is not a trade secret, they just never made a layout drawing for the archive.
    Attached Files
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #3
      ENZO = Schematic

      Thanks Enzo for the schemy. I have dabbled in the breadboard area for a few years and only recently purchased an all tube amp,,, the Royal 8. I have also tripped onto this great forum. Kudos to all for such a plethora of sharing..refreshing indeed.

      I responded to another inquiry regards the Royal8 to share my experiences (ref below). Oddly no one in my tiny town stocks both the Mini Colossal $500 and the Royal $200. I have no idea how these PCB Hencho en China amps compare 1. to each other or 2. to others in the SE 5 watt category. I wonder how the Experienced Tube Amp crowd regard these two amps - particularly the R8. I happen to really like mine.

      Aside from the additional features the circuity appear suprisingly similiar.

      Thanks Again sir,

