I've searched the internet far and wide for a schematic of the Marshall reissue Handwired 20 Watt Head, the 2061X. The 2022 is close but has quite a few things different, especially in the phase inverter and some values in the preamp.
So I just went ahead and traced my 2061X and entered it into my OrCAD schematic capture software and created a .pdf file. It documents much more detail than most schematics with voltage readings everywhere and wire color in places to make working on one of these easier. I'm not affiliated with Mercury Magnetics but I did list on the schematic which replacement transformer models they offer so anyone who wants to home brew this amp will find it useful.
I don't know if the forum still has a schematic repository, but if so maybe this should be archived there.
See attached.
John Kelley Brown
Kaliphoria Music
Attachment removed due to errors, further down the thread is fixed schematic.
I've searched the internet far and wide for a schematic of the Marshall reissue Handwired 20 Watt Head, the 2061X. The 2022 is close but has quite a few things different, especially in the phase inverter and some values in the preamp.
So I just went ahead and traced my 2061X and entered it into my OrCAD schematic capture software and created a .pdf file. It documents much more detail than most schematics with voltage readings everywhere and wire color in places to make working on one of these easier. I'm not affiliated with Mercury Magnetics but I did list on the schematic which replacement transformer models they offer so anyone who wants to home brew this amp will find it useful.
I don't know if the forum still has a schematic repository, but if so maybe this should be archived there.
See attached.
John Kelley Brown
Kaliphoria Music
Attachment removed due to errors, further down the thread is fixed schematic.