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Farfisa GR guitar amplifier Schematics

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  • Farfisa GR guitar amplifier Schematics

    Good night!

    Well as promissed i post now the schematic drawning for me, of Farfisa GR guitar amplifier the part of tubes, (2 ECC82, and 4 EL34).
    I think that schematic has no errors but if anybody verify a error please tell me, it was very hard to make the schematic from the real circuit, because another person was tried to repair that, and he only make disasters.
    For example, the diode rectifier 1n4007 to make the negative voltage to Bias was reversed and the bias was a positive voltage!!!!

    Sorry bad English!

    Attached Files

  • #2
    i can t see the pdf maybe thre link is broken
    i need schematic of the farfisa or gr amplifier 4x el 34


    • #3
      Write straight to gaitadura and ask for it (and repost a copy here, but with a different name).

      The server crashed and to boot it does not accept reposting the same file "because it thinks it still has it somewhere".
      Oh well.
      Juan Manuel Fahey


      • #4
        Hello, I have a schematic of the amplifier, an Italian sent me.
        I'll put here, but already notice that I seem to have errors of which I am not responsible.
        Hopefully will be useful.
        The valves are ECC82's preamplifier.
        I use 400V to EL34 and the other winding to ECC82.
        With that, the amp is very stable and sounds great.

        Attached Files

