these voltages will drop when you have power tubes installed as you are not drawing any current on the power tubes.
with power tubes out, you can inject a signal & trace it through all the way to the power tube gates, to make sure the preamp is all ok. The schematics list expected voltages throughout the circuit.
You can do this with bulb limiter in or out.....
Set the bias to the maximum negative voltage.
with bulb limiter in, install the power tubes & fire it up. as long as the bulb is not full brightness all the time, then power up without the bulb, adjust the bias & test it into a dummy load.
Note, always have a load attached (dummy load ok) when you have power tubes installed
these voltages will drop when you have power tubes installed as you are not drawing any current on the power tubes.
with power tubes out, you can inject a signal & trace it through all the way to the power tube gates, to make sure the preamp is all ok. The schematics list expected voltages throughout the circuit.
You can do this with bulb limiter in or out.....
Set the bias to the maximum negative voltage.
with bulb limiter in, install the power tubes & fire it up. as long as the bulb is not full brightness all the time, then power up without the bulb, adjust the bias & test it into a dummy load.
Note, always have a load attached (dummy load ok) when you have power tubes installed