Customer swears the boost is randomly happening and that the pedal will suddenly sound distorted. I've poked and prodded and tried to emulate the symptoms, nothing. Curious to see the circuit, with its 6 14-pin ICs to investigate further.
From Dunlop, just an FYI. It is what it is. Frustrating for me... but I also understand their position.
We do not release our schematics to the public and unfortunately we do not authorize third party repair facilities within the USA. However we can offer to take a look at the pedal for you.
For out of warranty repairs of the EW95V there is a flat rate $50 repair fee along with a $25 bench fee for a total of $75. This fee covers parts, labor, and return shipping. If for some reason we are unable to repair the pedal we will waive the repair fee and will only charge the $25 bench fee.
If you would like to send the pedal in for repair, I'll just need to get your shipping address, phone number, and serial number. Once I have your information, I will issue you a return authorization number (RA#) and send you our shipping address.
And all this time I thought repair fee and bench fee were the same. Another virtual fortune I've lost. Having said that, I'm still, like the song says, 'worth a million in prizes'.
Originally posted by Enzo
I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."
I understand it as: " repair is fixed $75 ... if you sent us an unrepairable dog (it was in a flooded basement for a year/ground zero/house fire/swallowed by a whale) so even opening the package is a waste of time, we at least get $25"
From Dunlop, We do not release our schematics to the public and unfortunately we do not authorize third party repair facilities within the USA.
Another one of the Right to Repair bad guys. Well, maybe it's not all that bad a deal... Let's not fool ourselves. Dunlop isn't going to waste their time farting around with component level repair. They're going to swap in a new board & bob's yer uncle. $75 post paid doesn't sound too bad then for a fancy schmantzy 6-IC wah pedal.