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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
I've not been able to find anything beyond dead links for this (including here on MEF). If I've missed it, please know that it's not due to a lack of effort.
Thanks in advance.
Well, you know what they say: "One man's mojo is another man's mojo".
Yes. Thank you. The pre-amp seems to be fine, and the power amp is blowin' fuses. So, the PCB for the power amp and p/s says: Behringer Model P3000. I will look for that then. Again, thank you.
Well, you know what they say: "One man's mojo is another man's mojo".
P3000 is a few years older. They are VERY similar, down to the part numbers even. But they differ. As far as I can spot, mainly in the compressor. The P3000 uses the older 3080IC in IC5, while the LPA1450 uses a 13700 IC, I would say the boards are equivalent, and they just went to the newer style board at some point during production.
But since yours is blowing fuses, I highly doubt the compressor is involved, and the power amp part ought to be the same.
The red voltages on the drawing kiki posted look to me like they are from someone's problem amp, so don't use them as models.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
Thank you VintageKiKi. Very helpful.
Thank you Enzo--gotit. I wasn't sure about the illustrated voltages. I appreciate the tip.
Thank you JMFahey, I appreciate the insight.
Thank you G1. Putting all those together, we now have a complete set. I don't know the etiquette, but maybe we should put them together and make a single post? I'm happy to do that.
Again, thank you.
Well, you know what they say: "One man's mojo is another man's mojo".
Thank you G1. Putting all those together, we now have a complete set. I don't know the etiquette, but maybe we should put them together and make a single post? I'm happy to do that.
Post #2 now edited to include both schematics.
Originally posted by Enzo
I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."