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Peavey Invective 120 partial traced schem

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  • Peavey Invective 120 partial traced schem

    Hi everyone,
    Thought I'd share this, might be helpful to someone at some point.
    Have a client who's not happy with the tone of their Invective 120 (basically a 5150/6505 with built in tube screamer, gate, a proper clean channel, and fancier switching options), is interested in my modding it. I did of course suggest that it just might not be the amp for them, but they wanted me to investigate anyway.

    As schematics aren't available (to my knowledge), first step was to trace it out. As it was the Crunch/Lead channel they aren't happy with, that's where I focussed. Somewhat suprisingly to me, it's pretty much identical to an original Peavey 5150/6505 Lead channel, I was expecting it to have been re-voiced somewhat as this amp does sound more fizzy IMO, I assume there's some differences in the FX loop driver/makeup/phase inverter/poweramp to account for some of this difference, but don't feel like tracing out the entire amp.

    Pretty sure all the component designators are correct as per their labelling on the PCB's, as should be values (including the oddball E96 values they've used for some reason?). There's some odd choices made in the design/construction that I can't figure any rhyme or reason for (eg, all the resistors on the main PCB are 1watts, except for R11, which is a 1/4W carbon film type?) Mildly annoyingly (from a potential modding perspective), they decided to ground the unused relay poles rather than leaving them floating. The part designations seem to be mostly the same as the OG 5150/6505. I've arbitrarily labelled some of the interboard connections just so it's easier to follow, they aren't labelled as such on the boards.

    Client is now um-ing and ah-ing about mods, seems they've taken my advice more to heart now. Was still a good opportunity to familiarise myself with this relatively recent amp.

    Anyway, can't guarantee it's a perfectly accurate trace, but might save someone else some work if they want to tackle more of the job.
    Click image for larger version

Name:	Invective 120.png
Views:	1887
Size:	18.6 KB
ID:	951763
    Last edited by Greg Robinson; 02-06-2022, 09:11 AM. Reason: Corrected schematic error

  • #2
    Nice work, Greg!!


    • #3
      Something broken/smoking/sparking/radioactive-glowing-in-the-dark/whatever *actual* problem?: fine, it can be repaired and charged for.

      "I-don´t-like-how-it-sounds?" : bottomless pit.

      Just sayin´

      Specially such a complex mashup of unrelated parts, all thrown together inside a case.

      That said: THANKS!!! for tracing and posting this
      Juan Manuel Fahey


      • #4
        Eh, regular client who brings me a fair bit of work, and I do a lot of simple mods to the other Peavey 5150/6505's (lots of metalhead clients) - nothing so extreme as FJA or some others, but basic stuff like adding a jfet mute to the FX loop switching, adding a diode coring circuit ala Peavey JSX to tame some background noise for people who don't use a noise gate, making the slope resistor variable with a pot for a crude "mid shift". People keep asking for them and it's easy money once you know your way around the amps. Plus, I've got some chronic health issues so don't work full time, just take on as much as is manageable and enough to make a living, so I've got more time than work on my hands.

        Anyway, tried out adding a 1nF cap from plate to cathode on V5A to roll off ~5kHz this afternoon, owner's thrilled. It made an audible difference but think there's definitely some expectation bias playing its part there too, I'll let them live with it a while and see if they still love it next week lol.

        It's definitely an overly complex amp for what it is, big mess of surface-mount for the midi/channel switching, gate, 9V pedal power outputs, 2x tube screamers, DI/cabsim output, etc. Much too much work to trace out the entire thing, what I've done here is only a small fraction.

