Hi, love this forum and the helpful information - hoping for some pointers for my DDX3216 audio issue.
I bought the unit very cheap about 12...
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DDX3216 - Distorted Sound
Behringer DDX3216 - Trying to repair, please help!
Im new to this forum, so hi to you all!
Im a producer/composer/engineer with a home studio setup using that wonderful Behringer...
Greetings to All!
I would need the DDX Update 1.1 file. I can't find it anywhere. I would like to restart my DDX3216. could you send it to me please?...
The dreaded DDX3216...
So I've recently become the owner of one of these Behringer DDX3216 digital mixers, it was working fine but every now and again all the clip LED's would light...
DDX3216 memory test fault
Hi all, I’m really hoping someone can help me please.
I picked up a new
unused (or at least it looks brand new), ddx3216.
I fitted...
Can anyone help? I have a DDX3216 which did nothing on switch on. I have changed ALL the caps on the PSU and now it lights up and sliders move etc, but...
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Ddx3216 stuck at splash screen
Hi there!
First thing, I have already read lots of posts about this mixer and they have all given useful hints already. But I wanted to provide more...
Yes, Im aware of that, and I started my post stating that I had already spent a lot of time reading previoud posts about issues with DDX3216, but none of...
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There are a large number of threads on this machine with similar issues. Try reading the relevant ones and see if any help https://music-electronics-for...
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Behringer DDX3216 repairing, help needed!
Well, I know this is a really really old digital mixer, I'm using it for my poor economy
I got this for just about $230, I've successfully got its...
Behringer ddx3216 gain pot.
I'm searching a gain pot for the ddx3216. It says EC502 on the side. Seems that the knob and the shaft are 1 piece. Someone any idea where...
Behringer DDX3216 Probs w faders - and noise
Hi everybody,
this is a nice forum with a friendly & constructive athmosphere - thanks to all!
7 month ago, I...
As a technician, just thinking about the DDX3216 gives me a headache.
But my experience with them is that MANY of the problems in the unit, especially...
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DDX3216 repair
My name is Marc and I am from Holland/the Netherlands and this is my first post after finding this awesome forum.
In the beginning...
Nisse's experience with DDXupdate V1.11: http://forum.ampage.org/forum.php?cmd=vp&mid=274175
Google 'DDXupdate V1.11 ddx3216' to find the...
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Oh yes there is an emergency tool for bricked DDX3216 mixers. PLZI.com mentions it, Nisse mentions it and others on the web also. It is a Windows application...
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Do you still have the DDXupdate V1.11? I need it and have asked many already. It is the stand alone emergency application which is the only possible solution...
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Behringer DDX3216 - Problems with boot
Hi all,
I'm new in this forum and I've found here very useful infos about the Behringer DDX3216 Mixer.
I have a trouble with this device. I've...
Behringer DDX3216
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