If you want to hear fizz, try a Peavey speaker. Those are the most fizzy.
*WHICH* "Peavey speaker"?
They must have used 1000 different sounding ones.
Not forgetting that most are made by Eminence and are like many used by most others.
And among their (VERY different sounding) home made ones:
*Sheffield are accurate reproductions of Celestions.
Not *exact* bus as accurate as, say, Eminence "British inspired" ones.
*Scorpions are *killer* PA`speakers, complete with curvilinear cones, edgewound aluminum-on-kapton coils, etc.
Can justly be called "mini EV" and if they have any defect, is that they are "too Hi Fi"
* Black Widows are, yes, sharp, buzzy, biting .... not surprising for JBL copies, down to curvilinear cones, 4" edgewound aluminum coils and **HUGE** magnets.
Not the ticket for Blues or Heavy Metal but just what the Doctor ordered for Steel guitar.
Not surprisingly the most popular "Nashville" and "Vegas" amps today come factory equipped with BW .... big factor in their success.
But you put them all in the same tiny bag