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Wishing everyone a Happy New Year and many repairs in the coming Months. Just remember it is YOU who helps this site be what it is. You are the reason people come here for no BS answers.
Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
Well, put in a solid 8 hours. The cone sure feels looser by moving evenly with both hands. Going to test it tomorrow, it's been a long unproductive day.
I did a quick test which my own amp and the Pro Reverb. It worked ok with the Pro Reverb, not out standing.. I have not spent a lot of time tuning it, just a first impression, It does not work with my amp in both clean and OD so far.
It is not dark like Vaughn in WGS described. It has a little of "horn" sound from the lack of words. It has the same high chime like the Celestion G12T-75. I have to try harder as it sounds different from all the other speakers.
All in all, I am disappointed. The Eminence Legend is not necessary bad at all.
I really don't know what I am doing anymore. Each speaker sounds so different when in a different cabinets. I spent the whole day moving speaker around and compare and I am more confused than ever.
The Eminence sounded very bright in the cabinet that I use all along and made all the comments. When I put it in the Pro Reverb, it is bassier and fuller than the Utah!!! It's not bright at all.
I yet to put the WGS in the Pro Reverb and compare. All I can tell you, the more I test, the more I like the Eminence Legend 1258. I am not giving up on the WGS yet, too many unknown at this point.
Sadly I tweaked my amp using the very bright cabinet that in not consistence with the speaker when it's in the Pro Reverb or the Rock Pro cabinet. So it's back to the drawing board!!!
This tube vs. that one.?. This capacitor vs. that one.?. This speaker vs. that one.?. This cabinet vs. that one.?.
It gets frustrating at times, but try to remember that this is supposed to be fun! Enjoy the differences rather than fussing over them. Of course when you're dealing with a known cabinet speaker selection is more straight forward. You search until you find one that sounds good in THAT cabinet.
Cabinets can be finicky too. I have a pair of speakers I really liked in a 2x12 closed back. It's one of two cabinets that, when pushed together, match the dimensions of a 4x12 slant top cabinet. I no longer have one of cabinets so I built a new square front 2x12 cabinet with the same internal volume as the one they were in. My goal was to get a similar tone with a different cabinet shape. No dice. The new cabinet lacks bottom end badly. Same internal volume but not as deep. I can only speculate about the reasons because I'm not an acoustics engineer. I may try a port for that one. I'm just saying that I too have experienced how different a speaker can sound in a different cabinet. And in my case, even one with the same internal volume.
"Take two placebos, works twice as well." Enzo
"Now get off my lawn with your silicooties and boom-chucka speakers and computers masquerading as amplifiers" Justin Thomas
"If you're not interested in opinions and the experience of others, why even start a thread?
You can't just expect consent." Helmholtz
Imagine a mattress that is 7 feet by 3 feet. 21 square feet of comfort. I made a new mattress that was about 4.5 feet on a side. 21 square feet. I am not sure why, but it just isn;t as comfortable as the old one.
Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.
Imagine a mattress that is 7 feet by 3 feet. 21 square feet of comfort. I made a new mattress that was about 4.5 feet on a side. 21 square feet. I am not sure why, but it just isn;t as comfortable as the old one.
Even that is subjective. Gary Coleman may have loved the new mattress.
"I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22
I am really getting frustrated, I am not an acoustic engineer and know nothing about speakers. It's been at least 4 times I thought I nail the sound with the amp, then just by moving the cabinet to a different place and sounded bad, speaker variations with cabinets and all. I don't even know what to think anymore. The kicker was the bright Eminence Legend is darker than the Utah when I put it inside the Pro Reverb. I know for sure as I still have an Utah in the Pro Reverb and I can switch between the two speaker by a foot switch. This is in the same cabinet( Pro Reverb) driven by the same amp!!!!
I have the Pro Reverb, a small 1X12 combo cabinet, a Fender SE112 close back cabinet and the Marshall JCM900 combo. I don't even know which one I use to start working on the sound again. I just took the whole day off today!!! Not to mention now I have a Celestion G12T-75, WGS G12C/S, Eminence 1258 and the Utah!!!! So 4 speaker and 4 cabinet is 16 Combination..................I don't even want to put the other Celestion G12H-100 in the mix!!!!
You're thinking about this way too hard. You're also chasing the ultimate but impossible perfect tone. Walk away from them for a day or so, clear your head and go back and see what works the best. Make a grid with all the combinations and try them. If you still can't figure it out, sell the whole mess and start over from scratch.
Just kidding about that last part. Also, your ears need some rest, you can easily saturate your hearing and then nothing will sound right. There's a medical term for it but I don't remember what it is now. It's the same principle as smelling perfumes - after a few they start losing their individuality.
He's like a new set of strings... he just needs to be stretched a bit.
The kicker was the bright Eminence Legend is darker than the Utah when I put it inside the Pro Reverb. I know for sure as I still have an Utah in the Pro Reverb and I can switch between the two speaker by a foot switch. This is in the same cabinet( Pro Reverb) driven by the same amp!!!!
Unless the OT has been replaced your Pro Reverb is looking for a 4 ohm load from the speakers. In switching between one or the other internal speaker you are creating an impedance mismatch which could affect the tone. Using the standard rule of thumb you should be able to operate your amp with a speaker load of 2 ohms up to 8 ohms safely- although mismatches still could affect the tone and response.
Soaking the speaker in a good English Stout generally breaks it in quicker, and produces the preferred tone.
Why wait until somebody dumps beer on your amplifier, when you could do it under controlled lab conditions?
Are we not men?