Originally posted by Alan0354
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I kinda mentioned in a previous thread what my ideal amp would be, but honestly, don't think it's even remotely "possible". At least, not by anyone 'sane' and not within a traditional head-style chassis.
It would be a complete BEAST to try and move anyways -I figure the head alone would be somewhat around the weight of my MkIII Simul that's loaded with the EVM-12L (if not MORE than).
[Approx. 100+lbs for those who haven't had the "joy" of hefting one.]
But trying to get a BF Fender Del.Rev. or Vibrolux clean channel (w-tube rectifier), and the lead channel of a MKIII, and having the option to switch not only preamps on the fly (live), but having the option to switch outputs from 6L6 (in D.R./Vib. mode) to EL34 while in Lead mode...it would have to have two seperate PT's, two seperate OT's, and then two seperate rows of preamp tubes. Literally two amps in one.
LOVE the 'American' cleans (as you call them) but the Brit dirt just does something that makes the fur fly!! I guess that's what made me fall in love with the MkIII to start with, as it's the closest thing I've found to my ideal amp. The warmth of the 6L6 and the bite of the EL34 just seem perfectly matched to me.
/pipe dream off (but hey...can't say I don't dream big!) lol
Most 'traditional' players would probably consider that quite an eclectic mix in tastes. But that comes from loving so many different styles of music. I just think that so many "clean sounds" in metal suck. Anyways, this is my idea of the 'perfect' touch-sensitive universal amp for someone who digs many styles. It's still marinating in the back of my mind...perhaps one of these days I'll get the courage to try and see it through (or at least something in the spirit of it). I do know, that the older I get, the more I hate even lugging around the MkIII.
Anyways, thanks for humoring me, and sorry for the minor derail.