Don't worry, i don't think i'll be pestering the hell out of you guys like before. Especially poor Chuck who must have spent 1000 hours trying to help me.
But I have a story about my recent revelation that i think will entertain some of you. I think i'm back after 2+ years with my amp modeler and having given up on tubes. Remember how much space i took up here asking never ending questions in attempt to get my EL34 based home built to sound perfect? That modeler IS still one heck of a great amp, and i gave that tube amp away to a friend's son after i got the modeler ! Well, i still had a smaller amp i first built as a 18 watt but converted to 6V6. I tried the same preamp as in my larger amp early on and it sounded fabulous. But i never really spent any time with it past that because i felt i put too much time and effort into the EL34 amp and thats the tube i always liked best. So the small amp just sat in storage for years while i wasted endless hours on the bigger one. I think one of the questions i posed here was about why that small amp's preamp had such a natural sound that i could not get from my bigger amp even when i copied everything i could exactly, even the filters. I even sent the small amp's pre out to the bigger amps return and got that same natural sound of the smaller amp. But nothing i did would make the big amp sound anything like the smaller one.
So here i am over years into the modeler and it's not incredible, but it's a darn good amp and better IMO than many tube amps i have owned or tried. But there is something that isn't quite right about the the top end on it thats always been missing. Not enough to make me go back to tubes, and i was still quite happy with it till one day recently. I was laid off after 20 years at my job, and i'm pretty much thinking i'm now retired like it or not. Been bored as hell and one day i pulled that old amp out cobwebs and all (literally) and decided i'd turn it into a princeton for those totally pristine clean tones, as thats on thing i don't care for in the modeler. But i first plugged it in and that top end the modeler doesn't have had me rather enjoying it. So i left it like that for a while thinking maybe i should leave it. After a week or so i began to think itls better then the modeler in some ways but the modeler has things it;s better at. I didnt want to get into the whole tweaking thing again, but i had to clean it up because the thing was a slop fest and had some cheezy components like caps that i threw in there with no consideration as to their quality. Lots of sloppy solder blobs and wiring etc. Cleaned it up and didn't change the tone but later on i decided to look the circuit over and see what values i had i n certain places. I noticed 2 things right away. No 100k coming off th master's output that i used in the other amp because it seemed to sound better and make the master work a bit better. And the slope R was a 47k rather than 33k and after playing the amp i felt that too should be changed so in went a 33k.
I would change parts like that in the other amp and they would make a difference but not a lot. But damned if those 2 simple things didn't do wonders for this amp ! The small details that were not perfect before now ARE. Especially focus. The "garbage" (for lack of a better word) around the notes is gone and it's so much better focused. And the 33k slope really beefed it up in a different way than t=in the other amp. Hard to explain, but not just allowing more mids and lows in balance with the highs as it did in the other amp. It changed the harmonic content in a good way is the only way i can explain it. Then i started changing some other values that i thought needed to be changed based on what i was hearing. What i noticed is i could do that and it worked. The other amp was odd in that way. Things that i would thing should change it in a certain way based on what i know and what you guys would tell me either didn't or not much. With this amp you make a change and it really changes, and in the way the change is intended to. I always felt there was something odd about the way the other amp responded to changes. It wasn't right in that respect. This one responds accordingly just how you'd expect the change to do.
That said, i am utterly blown away by this amp. It's gotta be the best sounding tube amp i ever owned, and it's what i intended when i built those EL34 amps. The controls are so versatile i can get a lot of sounds out of it that match various guitars that are radically different sounding. The big amp you'd set it a certain way and never want to change it because it always sounded best there. This amp aslo sounds very close to the same at bedroom levels as at stage volume, something that the other one could never do. it always changed radically once you got it up to band levels and actually well before that. The only way i can describe this amp is it's the closest thing to the perfect amp i have ever had and i'm seriously thinking of selling the modeler. I'm really excited about this amp ! And the crazy thing is, it was my 1st build and it 's been here all along while I toiled for years over that other monstrosity.
Well, as they say, live and learn, eh?

So here i am over years into the modeler and it's not incredible, but it's a darn good amp and better IMO than many tube amps i have owned or tried. But there is something that isn't quite right about the the top end on it thats always been missing. Not enough to make me go back to tubes, and i was still quite happy with it till one day recently. I was laid off after 20 years at my job, and i'm pretty much thinking i'm now retired like it or not. Been bored as hell and one day i pulled that old amp out cobwebs and all (literally) and decided i'd turn it into a princeton for those totally pristine clean tones, as thats on thing i don't care for in the modeler. But i first plugged it in and that top end the modeler doesn't have had me rather enjoying it. So i left it like that for a while thinking maybe i should leave it. After a week or so i began to think itls better then the modeler in some ways but the modeler has things it;s better at. I didnt want to get into the whole tweaking thing again, but i had to clean it up because the thing was a slop fest and had some cheezy components like caps that i threw in there with no consideration as to their quality. Lots of sloppy solder blobs and wiring etc. Cleaned it up and didn't change the tone but later on i decided to look the circuit over and see what values i had i n certain places. I noticed 2 things right away. No 100k coming off th master's output that i used in the other amp because it seemed to sound better and make the master work a bit better. And the slope R was a 47k rather than 33k and after playing the amp i felt that too should be changed so in went a 33k.
I would change parts like that in the other amp and they would make a difference but not a lot. But damned if those 2 simple things didn't do wonders for this amp ! The small details that were not perfect before now ARE. Especially focus. The "garbage" (for lack of a better word) around the notes is gone and it's so much better focused. And the 33k slope really beefed it up in a different way than t=in the other amp. Hard to explain, but not just allowing more mids and lows in balance with the highs as it did in the other amp. It changed the harmonic content in a good way is the only way i can explain it. Then i started changing some other values that i thought needed to be changed based on what i was hearing. What i noticed is i could do that and it worked. The other amp was odd in that way. Things that i would thing should change it in a certain way based on what i know and what you guys would tell me either didn't or not much. With this amp you make a change and it really changes, and in the way the change is intended to. I always felt there was something odd about the way the other amp responded to changes. It wasn't right in that respect. This one responds accordingly just how you'd expect the change to do.
That said, i am utterly blown away by this amp. It's gotta be the best sounding tube amp i ever owned, and it's what i intended when i built those EL34 amps. The controls are so versatile i can get a lot of sounds out of it that match various guitars that are radically different sounding. The big amp you'd set it a certain way and never want to change it because it always sounded best there. This amp aslo sounds very close to the same at bedroom levels as at stage volume, something that the other one could never do. it always changed radically once you got it up to band levels and actually well before that. The only way i can describe this amp is it's the closest thing to the perfect amp i have ever had and i'm seriously thinking of selling the modeler. I'm really excited about this amp ! And the crazy thing is, it was my 1st build and it 's been here all along while I toiled for years over that other monstrosity.
