I'm sure this issue as probably come up before on the forum, but I haven't had any luck finding a thread. Here's the problem: When you play the low E string, as the note is dying out there is a slight buzz/distortion sound, kind of like when your speaker has a rub and is on it's way out. Obviously, this is only noticeable when playing clean. I've read that some 5e3 builds can have this sound if there's a coupling cap too close to the tip of the input jack, some sort of parasitic. But that is not the case in this amp.
I've built this same circuit before with no issues, so this one has me over a barrel. And I am very careful regarding lead dress. So far there are only two things that I can think of that are different with this particular amp. One is that I only have about 260V on the el84 plates at the moment. I couldn't find the GZ34 I thought I had, so in the mean time I'm using a 5U4.
The other difference is that I used a used output transformer that someone gave me. The numbers indicate it was for a Blues Junior, so it should have the right specs. Maybe it has problems? Maybe that's why it was pulled in the first place?
Has anyone ever heard of a bad OT making noises like this? Any other components that might cause this? (I'm sure it's not the speaker) Other than this pesky problem, the amp sounds very good.
I've built this same circuit before with no issues, so this one has me over a barrel. And I am very careful regarding lead dress. So far there are only two things that I can think of that are different with this particular amp. One is that I only have about 260V on the el84 plates at the moment. I couldn't find the GZ34 I thought I had, so in the mean time I'm using a 5U4.
The other difference is that I used a used output transformer that someone gave me. The numbers indicate it was for a Blues Junior, so it should have the right specs. Maybe it has problems? Maybe that's why it was pulled in the first place?
Has anyone ever heard of a bad OT making noises like this? Any other components that might cause this? (I'm sure it's not the speaker) Other than this pesky problem, the amp sounds very good.