Chuck - When I took the master volume completely out of the circuit and ran shortest feasible grid wires, there was no change in the noise. I measured the OT as you suggested: 97.3/97.4 ohms. No leeway needed there. I did notice in my snooping around that the MV pot halves are about 10% out of balance. Of course, that's a moot point for now.
All the other builds using this schematic had the same control layout (same chassis), but only one of them had a MV. On the ones without the MV I would just plug the second vol. hole with nifty little black plastic hole covers. Same component location. A couple of them used diode rectification.
All the other builds using this schematic had the same control layout (same chassis), but only one of them had a MV. On the ones without the MV I would just plug the second vol. hole with nifty little black plastic hole covers. Same component location. A couple of them used diode rectification.