I think you hit the nail on the head. As a first time kit builder, I was simply copying a layout that came with the kit. When that did not work, I was clueless on how to fix it. I did not understand the theory behind what I was trying to do. Most of the grounding layouts I looked at were not specific enough for me follow correctly. A prime example of this is from the Hoffman site:
"Make sure all Jacks and pots are bolted down firmly to the metal chassis. If you use plastic jacks, make sure all jacks are grounded to the pot buss wire".
Since I used metal jacks, I simply did what the site said not knowing I was setting up a potential ground loop, by not grounding all jacks to the buss wire. I have learned a lot from this thread, thanks to all the advice. It would have been much better to have had at least a basic understanding, of what grounding is all about, before starting the build. Lesson Learned.
I think you hit the nail on the head. As a first time kit builder, I was simply copying a layout that came with the kit. When that did not work, I was clueless on how to fix it. I did not understand the theory behind what I was trying to do. Most of the grounding layouts I looked at were not specific enough for me follow correctly. A prime example of this is from the Hoffman site:
"Make sure all Jacks and pots are bolted down firmly to the metal chassis. If you use plastic jacks, make sure all jacks are grounded to the pot buss wire".
Since I used metal jacks, I simply did what the site said not knowing I was setting up a potential ground loop, by not grounding all jacks to the buss wire. I have learned a lot from this thread, thanks to all the advice. It would have been much better to have had at least a basic understanding, of what grounding is all about, before starting the build. Lesson Learned.