Hey guys, I didn't know what I was thinking,I'll just buy a choke from Weber.I'm just anxious about getting it fired up that's all.I recently finished a 5E3 build (thanks to all your help here on this forum) and I love it. Can't wait to hear the 5F6A though.
In the early 70's Peavey made sort of a 5F6 knockoff with reverb. It had four 6L6s and used a pair of triple triode 6C10s in the preamp. The reverb was solid state. I remember for a choke they used a 500 ohm 10W resistor, but I'm not sure about the filter capacitance. There was a 2x12 and 4x10 configuration available. They had this tan tolex with brown spots that looked like tweed.
WARNING! Musical Instrument amplifiers contain lethal voltages and can retain them even when unplugged. Refer service to qualified personnel. REMEMBER: Everybody knows that smokin' ain't allowed in school !