I've got it my mind that it would be fun to refurbish old vintage tube amps for resale and to create replicas of famous vintage amps for sale. I really have no questions about the repair/refurbish part of the business. It's the building and selling of replica and boutique versions of Fender or Marshall amps that have me nervous. Is the market saturated with amp builders? If I build an authentic '59 Bassman with the best and closest-to-original parts possible, and the price is lower than a '59 RI, is there a market? I've got a guy that will make amp cabinets in either real tweed, Tolex, or finished birch for way less than I can buy them commercially. I can get chassis from a number of manufacturers, as you all know. But can I make any money at it? It looks like everyone is building 5F6-A's - is there room for one more?
Hoping the answer is 'Go for it'.
Hoping the answer is 'Go for it'.