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Part-time business advice

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  • #16
    The 5F4 is a tweed super. 2x10" speakers, 2x6L6 tubes so I'd bet between 30 and 50 watts. I would actually recommend building a 5E3. It's a classic, fairly easy to build, and has killer tone. If that tone doesn't turn you on then you built it wrong

    I would first get familiar with all of the old fenders (or whatever you want to build) and find one that you can build and sell (meaning, there's demand for it). Check out this site: There is a wealth of information available there. Just DON'T buy anything from there, whatever you do. You'll be sorry if you do.

    I just built a 5E3 and I think I probably spent too much on it (spent about $1k). You can build it for cheaper, but I tweaked things a bit. I built a head and 2 1x12 cabs. I also messed up a chassis (my first build after all). I bought a few things I didn't need and didn't get all I needed the first time and so had to pay S&H a few times over. I put very expensive speakers in there (a couple of webers which sound GREAT). For my next build, I think I'll try warehouse speakers or something cheaper just to see how they compare though I LOVE the webers. I also bought tools (a table saw, router, router bits, drill bits for the tube sockets, and so on) which added about an additional $700 to my total cost. Not to mention my time. I am a Web Developer and I bill at least $40 an hour. Let's just say if I did this to make money I came out way behind. I could have bought an old blackface amp for what I spent in total.

    But here's the thing: I have the satisfaction of having built an amp myself. A lot of the costs were upfront costs that I won't have to spend again. Also, a lot of the costs were "lessons", mistakes I won't make again. I figure I could build a combo again for about $500 in materials. Fender, incidentally, has reissued the tweed deluxe (aka 5E3) as the 57 deluxe. It sells for about $1800 which is way overpriced, IMO.

    For a business, you could do this one of two ways: you could cut costs and sell an equivalent to the 57 deluxe for about $1500 (you *know* there is an upcharge for the Fender nameplate). Or, you could build a better one than Fender (because you KNOW Fender is using the cheapest parts they can get away with) and sell for $1800 or more. Of maybe offer upgrades as options, things like better caps, different resistors, different OT, better speakers, and the list goes on.

    If you have someone to build your cabs, then great. Building the cabs and especially tolexing them took a lot of time and is the easiest thing to mess up. If all I had to do was build the circuit and assemble, it would have saved me a ton of time. But I wanted to to the woodworking myself because it's enjoyable.

    Here's the thing: if you want to compete with all of the other guys trying to do the same thing, you'll need exceptional build quality. That means good job with tolex on the corners, a nice faceplate, perfect grillecloth, etc. Especially if you are trying to beat Fender at their 57 deluxe game cause you know they're coming with at least reasonably good quality.

    I have attached some pics of my build (not great pics, from my cellphone). That should give you some idea of what we are talking about. Those are, again, 1x12 cabs. For my first build, I feel like I have done a good job. My friends and bandmates were amazed, though since I built it I know all the flaws. My next one will be much cleaner. I only include this to let you know that you shouldn't expect perfection for your first build. I'd say build a 5E3 first and get an idea of what you are into. I documented all of the stupid things I did so that next time I take on a build I can read it and remind myself not to repeat those things.

    Oh, and again: those are bad pics. My cabs aren't crooked. The pics just make them look that way. Also, I used diff color screws to hold the baffles on each cab on purpose. Those cabs have different speakers and that's the only way I can tell them apart without looking in the back If you want better pics, look at my profile.
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    Last edited by cminor9; 06-07-2008, 09:01 PM.
    In the future I invented time travel.

