Schematics for Peavey products are usually easiest to find at customer service at Peavey.
NO lights means either the logic has no power supply, or the logic has failed. Customer serviec can tell you the reinitialization procedure. ther are four buttons and you hold 1 and 4 or some combination while you power up. There are only a few combinations, so if it is not 1-4 or 1-3, keep trying combinations. or ask them. it might be all you need.
Hi! Have you also schematics of midi & USB and board layout?
I bought this peavey 15W some time ago and I w'd like to make a footswitch to switch between the different presets (I know this amp doesn't have a footswitch input), does somebody know if it's possible to modify or to add a circuit and "make" an input?
You could have the same problem like I had. Faulty 2040 chip which killed the 18-0-18 bridge rectifier diodes thus no power to the DSP board. Check the diodes D3 D4 D5 and D6. If they are faulty the DSP board won't get the power supply. Also get a new TDA2040 or TDA2050 chip. Simple fix.
You could have the same problem like I had. Faulty 2040 chip which killed the 18-0-18 bridge rectifier diodes thus no power to the DSP board. Check the diodes D3 D4 D5 and D6. If they are faulty the DSP board won't get the power supply. Also get a new TDA2040 or TDA2050 chip. Simple fix.
I had sent you a pm s1ms about this problem. I went and rechecked the diodes and they all seem to be fine.
I just bought a Vypyr15 at a flea market and there is no input jack or board. I looked at the schematics Enzo supplied earlier in this thread and did not see anything for the input board itself.
What circuitry is missing? An op amp as a preamp? If I had a schematic I could build a replacement. I see a signal input, +/- 15VDC, and audio input. Do I need to ground the Input_Jack signal to get it to work? It doesn't seem to make any difference. I only get a faint buzz at full volume when I touch the pin 6 of P5 with my finger. Also, the pins on the six pin ribbon cable seem to be inverted based on voltage readings.
Any help is appreciated. I could not find schematics on the Peavey site.