I have a traynor yrm-1 amp and I've put a pot in to adjust the shared fixed bias to the pair of 6ac7/el34 tubes.
the old tubes were sounding tired so I bought a new 'matched pair' of EH 6ca7 but i can get them biased properly with the shared bias voltage. I checked the bias is the same on each socket.
with a plate voltage of 430V for 70% idle current i should be at around 40-41mA per tube.
BUT, measuring across 10ohm cathode resistors, I get
0.363V and 0.198V
swap the tubes in the sockets and then i get
0.200V and 0.398.2V (may have bumped the bais pot when swaping)
Second thing I try is to increase the bias voltage (less negative) and I get
0.400V and 0.528V with a bias of - 38.5V
dropping down again I get
0.194V and 0.374V with a bias of - 43.5V
SO Are my tubes badly matched ???
Should I install separate bias pots for each tube ???
The shop I got the tube from don't believe my measurements. Further when I gave the tubes back to be tested they claimed that they were matched quoting currents of 59 and 57 mA on their tube tester at 430V.
What's going on ? Is my amp bad ? is the shop lying to me ???
Help !
Ps i double checked the resistance of the cathode resistors both 10 ohms.
the old tubes were sounding tired so I bought a new 'matched pair' of EH 6ca7 but i can get them biased properly with the shared bias voltage. I checked the bias is the same on each socket.
with a plate voltage of 430V for 70% idle current i should be at around 40-41mA per tube.
BUT, measuring across 10ohm cathode resistors, I get
0.363V and 0.198V
swap the tubes in the sockets and then i get
0.200V and 0.398.2V (may have bumped the bais pot when swaping)
Second thing I try is to increase the bias voltage (less negative) and I get
0.400V and 0.528V with a bias of - 38.5V
dropping down again I get
0.194V and 0.374V with a bias of - 43.5V
SO Are my tubes badly matched ???
Should I install separate bias pots for each tube ???
The shop I got the tube from don't believe my measurements. Further when I gave the tubes back to be tested they claimed that they were matched quoting currents of 59 and 57 mA on their tube tester at 430V.
What's going on ? Is my amp bad ? is the shop lying to me ???
Help !
Ps i double checked the resistance of the cathode resistors both 10 ohms.