i'm new to this forum, i stumbled across it while trying to re-hookup my speaker on my crate bx 100. i can plug in my bass to the input on the amp and the limiter light hits when i play, so i know the electronics on the amp is good and suspect its just the hookup to the speaker has come loose. the amp used to produce a fine sound, but started to crackle, then started to go in and out, and now won't produce at all.
i'd like to look for myself before i drop $40 on a bench fee at a repair shop, but it looks like this thing is built like a tank and im not sure where the access point is to get to the speaker hookup. any suggestions?
i'd like to look for myself before i drop $40 on a bench fee at a repair shop, but it looks like this thing is built like a tank and im not sure where the access point is to get to the speaker hookup. any suggestions?