Originally posted by g-one
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2)The OT is the stock unit riveted to the speaker frame and has the same serial number as other amps I've seen pics of.
3)1ohm-1%-3watt cathode voltage drop measurement probes. Millivolts.
4)The amp sounded like a fuzz face with a weak battery. Had every loud hum.
Filter cap can was shot and there were a few wax coupling caps in the preamp which were exceedingly leaky. The tremelo wasn't working(shorting footswitch jack wasn't shorting). Most of the other preamp coupling and decoupling caps had been replaced previously. My friend who owns it doesn't know what the history of this thing is. If you've ever seen a gut shot of these, the output tranny is wired to a terminal strip and the wires are very brittle. I could tell it had been re-soldered so the leads probably broke off before and it was re-wired incorrectly. Even though it wasn't working right it sounded kind of cool and my friend liked it. He just wanted me to go through it and wanted to get the trem to work. Even with the low bias/bad OT it sounds good now.
I just got the new OT in. Have to wire it up and figure out if I can mount it the same way or not. Looking forward to hearing this thing healthy.