Stoohpid cancel button!
I was trying to not get all personal about it... but if you want to gobble up all the names with their good reputations, you should gobble up all the machinery, paperwork, and <HUMAN> capital (experience, R&D, creativity, pride in product) too! Mr. Man has had his hard times too, but he should stick to his own brand instead of what's been going on. Let the past go gracefully and stand for what it is, and let these companies die with their good names intact. Names on paper are cheap - it's what's behind that name that counts!
I was trying to not get all personal about it... but if you want to gobble up all the names with their good reputations, you should gobble up all the machinery, paperwork, and <HUMAN> capital (experience, R&D, creativity, pride in product) too! Mr. Man has had his hard times too, but he should stick to his own brand instead of what's been going on. Let the past go gracefully and stand for what it is, and let these companies die with their good names intact. Names on paper are cheap - it's what's behind that name that counts!