I am trying to fix a Deluxe 112 Plus solid state combo amp. It makes a lot of buzzing noise when the reverb pot is turned above zero.
With the reverb pan connected, and rotating the reverb pot from zero to 10 the following happens;
Zero no noise, 1 to 3 is a squeal noise, then a thump sound, 4 to 7 buzzing, then a thump sound, 8 and above louder squeal.
I have cleaned the pot. I have measured about 0 to 48K resistance to ground at R57 when rotating the reverb pot.
I suspect the pot but I think it is possible there could be other issues.
The reverb pan measures 50 ohms at the input, 210 ohms at the output.
With the reverb tank disconnected I get only buzzing noise from 1 to 10 on the pot, getting louder as I go up the scale.
I do not have a spare pot that fits this amp but I do have another 48K pot I could use as a test. I was thinking of running jumper wires to the new pot (leaving the old pot in place set at zero).
Does this test make sense? If so I am not 100% sure where to connect the pins of the new pot. I suspect one wire to ground, one to R57, one to C31. If those are correct I am not sure what pins on the pot go where.
Any guidance and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Schematic attached.
Thanks! MC
With the reverb pan connected, and rotating the reverb pot from zero to 10 the following happens;
Zero no noise, 1 to 3 is a squeal noise, then a thump sound, 4 to 7 buzzing, then a thump sound, 8 and above louder squeal.
I have cleaned the pot. I have measured about 0 to 48K resistance to ground at R57 when rotating the reverb pot.
I suspect the pot but I think it is possible there could be other issues.
The reverb pan measures 50 ohms at the input, 210 ohms at the output.
With the reverb tank disconnected I get only buzzing noise from 1 to 10 on the pot, getting louder as I go up the scale.
I do not have a spare pot that fits this amp but I do have another 48K pot I could use as a test. I was thinking of running jumper wires to the new pot (leaving the old pot in place set at zero).
Does this test make sense? If so I am not 100% sure where to connect the pins of the new pot. I suspect one wire to ground, one to R57, one to C31. If those are correct I am not sure what pins on the pot go where.
Any guidance and suggestions are greatly appreciated. Schematic attached.
Thanks! MC