I have a carvin vt112 with low output and some voltages that don't seem right. Can anyone help with this?
The schem is for a vt2800 but in the notes they say the vt112 is same schem just drop 2 power tubes.
The PI voltages are
1 335vdc
2 76
3 102
6 326
7 77
8 102
Should be per schem
1 258
2 120
3 142
6 258
7 120
8 142
same voltages on both el-34
pin 3 480
pin4 477
pin5 -47
pin 6 478

The schem is for a vt2800 but in the notes they say the vt112 is same schem just drop 2 power tubes.
The PI voltages are
1 335vdc
2 76
3 102
6 326
7 77
8 102
Should be per schem
1 258
2 120
3 142
6 258
7 120
8 142
same voltages on both el-34
pin 3 480
pin4 477
pin5 -47
pin 6 478