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Carvin vt112 low output

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  • Carvin vt112 low output

    I have a carvin vt112 with low output and some voltages that don't seem right. Can anyone help with this?

    The schem is for a vt2800 but in the notes they say the vt112 is same schem just drop 2 power tubes.

    The PI voltages are
    1 335vdc
    2 76
    3 102
    6 326
    7 77
    8 102

    Should be per schem
    1 258
    2 120
    3 142
    6 258
    7 120
    8 142

    same voltages on both el-34
    pin 3 480
    pin4 477
    pin5 -47
    pin 6 478
    Click image for larger version

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ID:	869651Click image for larger version

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ID:	869653
    soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!

  • #2
    Originally posted by nosaj View Post
    I have a carvin vt112 with low output and some voltages that don't seem right. Can anyone help with this?

    The schem is for a vt2800 but in the notes they say the vt112 is same schem just drop 2 power tubes.

    The PI voltages are
    1 335vdc
    2 76
    3 102
    6 326
    7 77
    8 102

    Should be per schem
    1 258
    2 120
    3 142
    6 258
    7 120
    8 142

    same voltages on both el-34
    pin 3 480
    pin4 477
    pin5 -47
    pin 6 478
    Nice info - well done +1.

    The current in the tube is about half what it should be. The real pin 2 and 7 voltages are a bit tricky to measure as they are at an elevated voltage meaning your meter will load it down and change the reading. It's better to measure between the cathode and the grid. For that reason it's hard to be sure if the 22K and 220 ohm resistors are OK so go and check their resistance. There's a good chance that the tube is end of life too - try a substitute.
    Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


    • #3
      New JJ
      The PI voltages are
      1 318vdc
      2 82
      3 112
      6 319
      7 83
      8 111

      Pic attached. resistors look ok. Tested the 22k 220r 270k all within 10%. Would the 47ks have any bearing on this or is this gonna fall back to a filter cap? They are can style mallorys 1979, all other electrolytics have been replaced.


      Last edited by nosaj; 06-28-2015, 10:30 PM.
      soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


      • #4
        Originally posted by nosaj View Post
        New JJ
        The PI voltages are
        1 318vdc
        2 82
        3 112
        6 319
        7 83
        8 111

        Fixing to pull the 22k and 220 ohm out of circuit to test output still not there yet.

        Thanks and will update soon,

        There is no need to pull them to measure their resistance if the amp is off. Also, you should measure the voltages across the 22k and 220 ohm when running. They may be off the expected values but I really don't think they are the root of your problem. Check that V5 really is a 12AT7 - I suspect that is the reason for voltage problem.

        Assuming that is the case, I think you need to be able to scope this out by putting a 100mVpp 1KHz signal on the input and following it through.

        Anyway, let's see where we are once you've got that info.
        Last edited by nickb; 06-28-2015, 10:56 PM. Reason: Added info
        Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


        • #5
          Ok put in a JAN 12at7

          pin1 265
          2 109
          3 139
          6 257
          7 112
          8 138

          okNot sure on the measuring voltage across means a lead on each side of the resistor or one to ground.

          On the 220r with a lead to ground one side is 138 the other 134vdc

          On the 22k weird things One lead to ground measure one sideI get 134 measure the other 0. Swapped in a new resistor same thing.

          soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


          • #6
            Those voltages seem good now. One end of the 22K is only 100 ohms away from ground, so the low end will be close to zero.
            So you can probably look elsewhere for the problem, as nickb suggested, inject a signal and follow it through.
            Originally posted by Enzo
            I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."


            • #7
              Originally posted by nosaj View Post
              Ok put in a JAN 12at7

              pin1 265
              2 109
              3 139
              6 257
              7 112
              8 138

              okNot sure on the measuring voltage across means a lead on each side of the resistor or one to ground.

              On the 220r with a lead to ground one side is 138 the other 134vdc

              On the 22k weird things One lead to ground measure one sideI get 134 measure the other 0. Swapped in a new resistor same thing.

              Yes, 'across' means put the probes on either side of.

              Before we trace the signal check the DC volts on each op-amp output i.e on pins 3,4, 10 and 12.

              To trace the signal, you'll need some equipment:-

              A signal generator and a scope is ideal.

              PC or phone can be used instead of a signal generator
              A meter on ACV can be used instead of the scope, but it's a poor substitute.
              Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


              • #8

                Think of it like measuring a bridge over a river. How far is it across the bridge? Measure end to end, not how high each end is.
                Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


                • #9
                  Originally posted by nickb View Post
                  Yes, 'across' means put the probes on either side of.

                  Before we trace the signal check the DC volts on each op-amp output i.e on pins 3,4, 10 and 12.

                  To trace the signal, you'll need some equipment:-

                  A signal generator and a scope is ideal.

                  PC or phone can be used instead of a signal generator
                  A meter on ACV can be used instead of the scope, but it's a poor substitute.
                  Some reason I didn't get notification of new replies. Will get the voltages for you.

                  I have a tenma 20 mhz scope with function gen built in. has 1khz tone can do sine square, triangle.
                  soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


                  • #10
                    Originally posted by nickb View Post
                    Yes, 'across' means put the probes on either side of.

                    Before we trace the signal check the DC volts on each op-amp output i.e on pins 3,4, 10 and 12.

                    To trace the signal, you'll need some equipment:-

                    A signal generator and a scope is ideal.

                    PC or phone can be used instead of a signal generator
                    A meter on ACV can be used instead of the scope, but it's a poor substitute.
                    opamps are 4136
                    pin3 -.03 pin4 -.11 pin10 .19 pin12 .14 power pin7 -14.92 pin 11 13.85

                    pin3 -13.71 pin4 -.03 pin10 -.01 pin12 0 power pin7 -14.94 pin11 13.88

                    eq board which is bypassed right now

                    pin3 .02 pin4 13.97 pin10 .02 pin12 .02 power pin7 -14.94 pin11 14.54

                    pin3 .02 pin4 .02 pin10 .02 pin12 .02 power pin7 -14.94 pin11 14.54

                    I am not sure about the above opamps
                    CMOS switching 4016

                    pin1 .05 pin2 .06 pin3 .13 pin4 .13 pin5 .13 pin6 .13 pin7 .13 pin8 .03 pin9 .05 pin10 .05 pin11 .05 pin12 .05 pin13 -.48 pin14 -.46

                    I think the possible problem maybe in the cmos switching no 7 volts. I know my 14v rails were good and they use a voltage divider down to 7 that is missing. So I will follow that down, included the cmos jpg.Click image for larger version

Name:	vt112cmos.jpg
Views:	1
Size:	391.0 KB
ID:	838110
                    soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


                    • #11
                      voltages of cmos without chip in
                      pin1 -4.75 pin2 4.33 pin3 6.42 pin4 6.40 pin5 6.40 pin6 4.30 pin7 6.46 pin8 0 pin9 0 pin10 0 pin11 0 pin12 4.40 pin13 4.30 pin14 -6.60

                      So I'd say bad cmos switching chip and since signal runs through it it's is at least in part part of issue.

                      soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


                      • #12
                        Originally posted by nosaj View Post
                        voltages of cmos without chip in
                        pin1 -4.75 pin2 4.33 pin3 6.42 pin4 6.40 pin5 6.40 pin6 4.30 pin7 6.46 pin8 0 pin9 0 pin10 0 pin11 0 pin12 4.40 pin13 4.30 pin14 -6.60

                        So I'd say bad cmos switching chip and since signal runs through it it's is at least in part part of issue.

                        I'm not getting notifications either.

                        OPAMPS look Ok.

                        pin1 -4.75 Wrong - should be ~0V
                        pin2 4.33 Wrong - should be ~0V
                        pin3 6.42 Wrong - should be ~0V
                        pin4 6.40 Wrong - should be ~0V
                        pin5 6.40 OK
                        pin6 4.30 Wrong - should be ~ +7V
                        pin7 6.46 Wrong - should be ~ -7V
                        pin8 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                        pin9 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                        pin10 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                        pin11 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                        pin12 4.40 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                        pin13 4.30 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                        pin14 -6.60 Wrong - should be ~ +7

                        Go and re-do those measurements as they make no sense at all. For example, pin 5 is connected to pin 9 get you have different readings. Is you meter black lead always on ground?
                        Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


                        • #13
                          Originally posted by nickb View Post
                          I'm not getting notifications either.

                          OPAMPS look Ok.

                          pin1 -4.75 Wrong - should be ~0V
                          pin2 4.33 Wrong - should be ~0V
                          pin3 6.42 Wrong - should be ~0V
                          pin4 6.40 Wrong - should be ~0V
                          pin5 6.40 OK
                          pin6 4.30 Wrong - should be ~ +7V
                          pin7 6.46 Wrong - should be ~ -7V
                          pin8 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                          pin9 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                          pin10 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                          pin11 0 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                          pin12 4.40 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                          pin13 4.30 Wrong - should be ~ +7
                          pin14 -6.60 Wrong - should be ~ +7

                          Go and re-do those measurements as they make no sense at all. For example, pin 5 is connected to pin 9 get you have different readings. Is you meter black lead always on ground?
                          Ok redid them common black on meter clipped to ground. As a side note this amp was given to me with all the IC's pulled, by using voltages present at the pins in conjunction with a datasheet a tried to use the data I got to choose correct positions. These are measured without cmos chip in. I made a jig to test the cmos switching and the 4 switches all switch with a 9 volt battery. I also included a pic of the ic slot and what I am calling pin1.


                          Pin1 .04 Pin14 -6.45
                          pin2 4.30 Pin 13 4.25
                          pin3 6.37 pin12 4.30
                          pin4 6.38 pin11 0
                          pin5 6.38 pin10 0
                          pin6 4.25 pin9 0
                          pin7 6.37 pin8 0

                          Click image for larger version

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                          Last edited by nosaj; 07-05-2015, 05:43 PM.
                          soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


                          • #14
                            Well, if you are really sure about those voltages then I would say you have pin 1 in the wrong place and therefore the chip was in backwards.
                            Experience is something you get, just after you really needed it.


                            • #15
                              Originally posted by nickb View Post
                              Well, if you are really sure about those voltages then I would say you have pin 1 in the wrong place and therefore the chip was in backwards.
                              On this chip positive input is pin7 and negative input is pin 14 right? Those measurements were chip out. With the chip in should I have the FS plugged in? I can measure chip in in one direction and flip it around and measure another way.

                              soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!

