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Behringer k3000fx blowing fuses

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  • #16
    At least they are willing to talk to consumers, otherwise I don't see this as helpful to forum members. To the general consumer yes, but not to guys opening things up.

    Internal parts must be ordered through service centers. That is how it has always been, and as the reply spelled out, the "user serviceable" standard has been applied, so no help inside the unit.

    Before Music Group took over, I used to be a Behr warranty center. I did not follow them, as I was closing things down.
    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


    • #17
      Originally posted by SeRita C View Post
      Hi J M Fahey,

      My name is Se'Rita Covarrubias, CARE, Manager for MUSIC Group. By no means was my post spam or solicitation. I have sent a PM to 5thstring to assist with his question above. If anyone needs support, you can reach us at for Prosumer products or for Professional products.

      Let's keep in touch,

      Se'Rita Covarrubias
      CARE, Manager
      MUSIC Group Services NV Inc.
      Ok, thanks for answering.

      I appreciate your concern although I'm not sure about how it could help solve the average MEF problem posted in these pages.

      To begin with, we are "the guys who dig in" as stated above, what can be easily checked by browsing posts around here on diverse subjects, but most important, we dig in because usually the stuff we care about is both way out of regular Warranty and definitely out of *economic* repairability.

      If it is under warranty, we are the first to send the user to a Service Center and be done with it.

      Now if it's, say, an old and out of production 2x12" 100W Guitar combo, with DC on the output , way out of Warranty, which "can be bought on EBay/Craigslist for $100 or $50" and where an Authorized Service Tech might charge more than that to repair, where maybe shipping expenses would be high too, then we may help a local Tech, not large enough to be Authorized, to detect and replace the pair shorted TIP142/147 which are causing the problem.

      Thanks again for your kind offer

      Juan Manuel Fahey


      • #18
        BEHRINGER K3000FX SCH Service Manual free download, schematics, eeprom, repair info for electronics

        one 6.3A fuse shown on AC input to power supply, there may be an input mains supply fuse as well
        5thstring, if you are not familiar with electronics & know how to work amid voltages that can seriously hurt you, take this to a repair shop.
        As others have said, its most likely a blown power transistor or power supply diode

