Not sure if anyone will be able to help with this, but I am having a problem with my Marshall DSL40C that no amount of google or my very limited electronics knowledge can figure out. Not that its a very expensive amp, but I enjoy problem solving, and have really come to enjoy this amp
. So here is the story, amp treated me well for about a year, no problems at all. Was leaving it in an amp stand at my drummers house, where he one day in the process of moving something knocked it off the stand, it landed on the floor and left a gash in the front (didnt hurt speaker though). Was shortly after that, the amp started to completely randomly "stop working" as I was playing it. Out of nowhere, amp went silent in middle of playing, a quick turning the power switch off and on, and boom it was back alive again. This is where things get tricky, as it happens completely randomly, I can in no way duplicate this problem when I want to. The only thing that it seems related too at all is it seems to only happen when the amp is being played louder, at like live gig volume. But even then, I can play through an entire gig and have no trouble, but it will happen the next gig. Another funny thing about it, is that when this happens; it will happen, I will power cycle the amp, then it frequently (not every time) happens again within about 30 seconds, so a pair of failures quickly, then works fine for hours again. I recently put new tubes in this amp, power and preamp, biased both power tubes to 36mv, just throwing that out there in case anyone thought tubes had problem or something. Oh and one more detail, when I power on the amp, there is about a full second pause, then loud clickas the channel light comes on, then amp is operational. I do not remember hearing this loud click before the "accident", but I may be mistaken. Any ideas on this problem would be greatly appreciated, or maybe just let me know what you guys would start with in terms of diagnosis? I can provide more details if needed, thanks for reading!
