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Fender The Twin red knob pot

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  • #16
    Originally posted by Enzo View Post
    Too bad they didn;t stop by when the thieves were there.
    well, we know they'll never do THAT, as that would be dangerous. it's much safer to harass you, because you're not going to start shooting as you try to make your escape.
    "Stand back, I'm holding a calculator." - chinrest

    "I happen to have an original 1955 Stratocaster! The neck and body have been replaced with top quality Warmoth parts, I upgraded the hardware and put in custom, hand wound pickups. It's fabulous. There's nothing like that vintage tone or owning an original." - Chuck H


    • #17
      Originally posted by Enzo View Post
      I believe it means 30% of resistance at mid point. Other tapers I see are like A5 where yes 5% of resistance at mid point. A10, A15, whatever they wanted.

      I'll have to dig it out. Looks like this one:
      Fender amp potentiometers
      FWIW my experience is that Fender tone controls are not (more or less) "flat" when all set to "5" which would be logical, but somewhere between 6 and 7 , if standard (10%) A/Audio/Log taper pots are used.
      I *guess* that Fender noticed that and corrected by using "30% on 5" custom pots, which is actually the same, but shift "dial numbers" a little.
      30% tap "should" physically be between 6 and 7, but now sits around 5 and everyubody´s happy.

      End to end range is always the same of course.

      Now using such taper on a volume pot is cheating .... naughty naughty Leo!!!
      Juan Manuel Fahey


      • #18
        Well, the amp isn't going to sound good til four anyway, so just make it hit four at one and it guarantees your amps will never sound like ...
        Might explain all the Hot Rods, etc with the "my volume comes up too fast!" complaints...

        "Wow it's red! That doesn't look like the standard Marshall red. It's more like hooker lipstick/clown nose/poodle pecker red." - Chuck H. -
        "Of course that means playing **LOUD** , best but useless solution to modern sissy snowflake players." - J.M. Fahey -
        "All I ever managed to do with that amp was... kill small rodents within a 50 yard radius of my practice building." - Tone Meister -


        • #19
          Randall, I was at my storage unit last night, pulled down the Fender pot drawer unit, but the one you need is in a different collection that I cannot access readily. Sorry, at least that online source has them.
          Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.


          • #20
            Originally posted by Enzo View Post
            Was just at the old place last week, sold a bunch of arcade games. It seems someone has broken in and stole those old Tek scopes. They stole a lawn mower, a compressor, and some tools, but I was surprised thieves even knew what scopes were. They left the extra plug-ins that were on the shelf. They left the arcade videos and pinball machines alone though.
            Check Craigslist bet they possibly show up there.

            soldering stuff that's broken, breaking stuff that works, Yeah!


            • #21
              Originally posted by Leo_Gnardo View Post
              Bet you half a doughnut they'll flog 'em on Craigslist. That is, if they already haven't.
              Originally posted by Enzo View Post
              I looked. Could have happened several months ago.
              Take out your own add on CL. "Wanted: ......old oscilloscopes......". See who calls.
              "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


              • #22
                Originally posted by Enzo View Post
                Was just at the old place last week, sold a bunch of arcade games. It seems someone has broken in and stole those old Tek scopes. They stole a lawn mower, a compressor, and some tools, but I was surprised thieves even knew what scopes were. They left the extra plug-ins that were on the shelf. They left the arcade videos and pinball machines alone though.
                In a back room somewhere in Michigan:

                "We stole these cool little TV's too, but they don't work worth a shit."
                Last edited by The Dude; 10-31-2017, 02:33 AM.
                "I took a photo of my ohm meter... It didn't help." Enzo 8/20/22


                • #23
                  Thanks Enzo, I found an eBay store that has them for $15 shipped, not bad, considering the circumstances.
                  It's weird, because it WAS working fine.....


                  • #24
                    It just bums me out, I took inventory before packing the shop for just this sort of thing, but I can't get at all the stuff. And I really need to get at the manuals shelves.
                    Education is what you're left with after you have forgotten what you have learned.

