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Happy NEW YEARS!!!!!!
...And if you sketch out the circuit(s) from which those resistors are from it might help to determine their component values. If not exactly, then at least a close-enough values.
Sometimes you simply have to live with the fact that no technical documentation is available. It's a basic mid 1980's amp design, how hard can it be?
They seem to be in close vicinity to power supply circuit and what looks like either power amp or a regulator IC. Part of the regulator or voltage dropping circuit of the supply perhaps? What is the power amp or regulator IC, and could its datasheet perhaps provide some clues about involved circuitry? Where are the circuit board tracks running from those resistors?
Do you -really- need a schematic for this? I understand it can be a convenience but for fixing this thing... do you really need it?
Sadly none of those applies.
Those are all transistor amps, while this one is the very odd TUBE one.
So unusual that I didnīt know they even *existed* , go figure.
Did anybody actually read thread title and look at amp picture?
I looked at it, and the board pics. I could only see a preamp tube socket so I figured maybe it just has a single preamp tube. Regardless, the burnt resistors are around a couple zeners and typical +/-15V rail size caps, so I figured the LV supplies might be the same.
But you have a good point, the transformer won't match any of the others because it will have a HV winding.
Originally posted by Enzo
I have a sign in my shop that says, "Never think up reasons not to check something."
I looked at it, and the board pics. I could only see a preamp tube socket so I figured maybe it just has a single preamp tube. Regardless, the burnt resistors are around a couple zeners and typical +/-15V rail size caps, so I figured the LV supplies might be the same.
But you have a good point, the transformer won't match any of the others because it will have a HV winding.