Hello all, just stumbled across these forums and it appears to be a great resource! Here is the problem I'm having;
My Fender Stage 100 amp recently started crackling when I would play guitar through it. It was only when notes were being played. It would maintain the note without issue, but have a sort of crackling short-circuit sound as an overtone on top of it. I'm a novice, but it sounded like it might just be a loose solder joint somewhere, so I reheated some of the joints (on the caps, etc.) and this seemed to fit with what some other topics on here had to say about this amp.
After reheating the joints of the major components, I put it back together to test and it seems to be stuck on the dirty channel. I attempted to press the button on front to switch, and to use the footswitch but neither will allow me to switch back to the clean channel. On the plus side, the crackling APPEARS to be gone, but I can't know for sure until I can try it on both channels and really crank it. Anyone have any suggestions as to why it may be stuck on this channel? I visually went over the back of the board again and am pretty sure I didn't cause any shorts. Any other reasons why this would happen?
Thanks a lot for your time!
My Fender Stage 100 amp recently started crackling when I would play guitar through it. It was only when notes were being played. It would maintain the note without issue, but have a sort of crackling short-circuit sound as an overtone on top of it. I'm a novice, but it sounded like it might just be a loose solder joint somewhere, so I reheated some of the joints (on the caps, etc.) and this seemed to fit with what some other topics on here had to say about this amp.
After reheating the joints of the major components, I put it back together to test and it seems to be stuck on the dirty channel. I attempted to press the button on front to switch, and to use the footswitch but neither will allow me to switch back to the clean channel. On the plus side, the crackling APPEARS to be gone, but I can't know for sure until I can try it on both channels and really crank it. Anyone have any suggestions as to why it may be stuck on this channel? I visually went over the back of the board again and am pretty sure I didn't cause any shorts. Any other reasons why this would happen?
Thanks a lot for your time!