Well here's a "layout". Which is what I think you were interpreting a diagram to be? I will say I just drew it up how it made sense to me and this doesn't represent a 7x5x3 case. But I know it would fit in that case with room to spare front to back. There is no significance to lead color other than trying to be sure the connections were clear. Since there is nothing to actually mount the inductors and capacitor to, on my own unit I just drilled holes in the bottom of the box and secured them with zip ties. Add screw on rubber feet to the bottom for clearance on the resistor mount screws and zip ties.
Estimated cost is about USD $100. It occurs to me you could easily buy a used "Hot Plate" for that, but it wouldn't sound as good
Estimated cost is about USD $100. It occurs to me you could easily buy a used "Hot Plate" for that, but it wouldn't sound as good
