The difference between the two cap values is about 1dB at the onset of audible frequency. That might be audible to a tiny percentage of the population... EXCEPT!.. Guitar speakers also have very poor efficiency at 20Hz. So the actual difference in dB at any PRODUCED audio frequency becomes a small fraction of a dB. And absolutely NOT audible unless you're the sort of person that hears things because they want to rather than because they are real. That said...
I don't really know if there may be an audible difference under clipping conditions for the PI where the input impedance drops and these cap values might have more of an effect in the audible range. I know others here that have more tech chops could evaluate this circumstance better so I hope to hear from them about this.
I don't really know if there may be an audible difference under clipping conditions for the PI where the input impedance drops and these cap values might have more of an effect in the audible range. I know others here that have more tech chops could evaluate this circumstance better so I hope to hear from them about this.